[MOD HYPE] Bone Knight - Knight Skin

Author: Uniquisher , Created: 13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM View on Web Archive

Bone Knight - WiP Visual Effects (Replaces Trovian and Trove Topper) Things to do: - Do Ultimate VFX - Refine VFX No VFX Mod Download:...


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Mod Download: Click Here Replaces: Trovian Guard [Skin] + Trove Topper [Helmet] Alternate Download: Click Here Replaces: Starter Knight [Skin] + Shadome [Helm]


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Gonna give it a go soon!


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Yup, Avarem confirmed three Knight costumes. Elysian Knight Bone Knight Blood Knight


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Nice. I see they changed blood lord to blood knight also, it'll be cool if there was some sort of support list somewhere.


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Was hoping to get a good look at this on this friday's trove stream but looks like we are not hyping enough.. remember what Avarem said: "Hype is important.. and patience is... something...


13-Feb-2015 12:44 PM


Something about the Bone Knight, I think he wants us to hype it more? Also add Bone Knight to your URL using the code below, make sure you take out the spaces [ center][...


21-Mar-2015 08:37 PM


Bump and when do I get my code?


12-Jun-2015 05:23 AM


Self-congratulatory necro AMG! So whats next then?

I dig it. Let's get some VFX on that guy so we can put it in game.