Bionic Sidearm
[Melee] [Neon City]

Its just too bad you can't spin this karambit. That's what it's called, a karambit.
Bionic Sidearm status has been set to Approved
Ylva 1 year ago
Bionic Sidearm status has been set to Needs Review
CommonAmmo 1 year ago

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Hi there! Sorry for such a long delay with a review.
This short melee seems to be a perfect fit for a neon ninja costume! Material maps are looking good too, nicely done.
Going to Approve this one.
Also, as a response to a question about lots of short melee weapons - it is fine to have shorter-than-full-length melee models, BUT they all still need to be significantly different from each other and from existing models (unique) - this has always been the case. The VFX display and ability range concerns are still present though so these are closer to an exception than the rule.
Which means, if you make a Forbidden Spires short knife that has brand new model and style i could approve it, but another short Neon melee would need to be VERY different from this one to get approved.
Hope this helps!
It's a karambit. Ik its colors arent exactly fitting with neon city's colors, but it can look very good with the right costume. NN's defaults are a great example. I know that the VFX wouldnt look right, but its whatever. Sending this your way.