Dreamsicle Fists

[Fist] [Candoria]

1 year ago

by CommonAmmo Home Files Download ZIP

Livin' the dream, rockin' the 'sicle.




Created 2 years ago

Updated 1 year ago

Rewarded 2 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 1 year ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Added

Ylva 1 year ago

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Rewarded

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Accepted

ActualPostCard 2 years ago

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Approved

Ylva 2 years ago

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Needs Review

CommonAmmo 2 years ago

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Active

Ylva 2 years ago


Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Needs Review

CommonAmmo 2 years ago

Comments and Likes Comments 12

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Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove -  Punch-Packed Creamsicle !

It can be found in collections under Styles > Fists > Candy.

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Rewarded

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Accepted

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Approved

Whoa, the design looks so good! Nicely done.

Happy to Approve.

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Needs Review

Update: So i added a high opacity glass to the edge of the popsicles, the center isnt as melted as the center. Put a bit more depth into the handle, everything should be ready to go. Sending it back to review.

Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Active

Hello! I apologize for a delay with reviews >_< 

The fist is looking good, the idea is very fresh! Model itself seems to be perfectly correct too, good job.

I believe the design could benefit from a slight color adjustment. Currently the sticks are on the 'orange' side of spectrum, if they were yellow-er and had a bit of a texture it would be much easier to 'read' a design and tell icecream apart from the sticks. Something like this may be?
Brighter white could work too if you d like to turn these into lollipops.

Also, just as a thought, it might be worth to see if high opacity glass would work for the ice parts. That said, current material mapping works really good too! 

Im going to change the status of this creation to Active for now, but hoping to see it in review again!

liked this!


Dreamsicle Fists status has been set to Needs Review

Lil' Orange Creamsicles hehe. ok so i had to export it as a gun in troxel since there is no way to export them specifically as fists, also the clipping issues threw me off a bit before i realized that some fists that are already in the game have those same issues. There is a water spec on the creamsicle themselves, so they appear glossy. Everything should be in order, so i'd say its ready for review. Also one more thing, if this gets accepted, PLEASE come up w/ a better name for this.