Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix
[Dungeon (3 Star)] [Forbidden Spires]

Built by the Ancient people of the Spires, a Replica of their Goddesses. The Empress of the Southern Sky, Onbari and the Immortal Flame, Huirakhan.
When the Ancient builders and adventurers discovered the Shrine, they were struck by awe at the detail and beauty of the Goddesses that were replicated. To this day it stands tall and proud, showing the delicate care and precision that the Ancient people of the Spires had to have, to create such timeless pieces of art.
Created 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago
The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Added
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Rewarded
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Accepted
ActualPostCard 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Approved
Ylva 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Needs Review
JoshuaFT 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Active
Ylva 3 years ago
Ancient Shrine of the Pheonix status has been set to Needs Review
JoshuaFT 3 years ago

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Hello again!
Oh wow, you did such a great job with improvements!
Im really enjoying those stairs and variations. With such color options there is no way both towers will ever spawn identical :D
Note for future occasions - there is a very good difference between floors 1-2-3 but among themselves 1-1-1 etc dont feel very different. Liquids causing different debuffs do make combat conditions vary, but you can enforce that by making locations of liquids in different places, using different kinds of additional traps, using no liquid at all etc. Think of it in a way of - if all those rooms were only black and white, would they still feel like different rooms?
In this case however, i think its pretty good as is. Dungeon has a very nice and quick layout so overcomplicating things likely wont do it much good.
Also, it looks like there is only one guaranteed spot for Miniboss - below dragonbird statue. All the rooms have a chance to spawn big bad boss. i THINK it should be ok though, 1 out of 9 is likely to spawn a second mini boss, but again, for future occasions its best to ensure that there will always be 2 guaranteed spots for miniboss and 1 guaranteed spot for big boss. Worst case, if Devs dont see bosses spawning properly, with current dungeon setup they should be able to comment some rooms out or increase/decrease odds.
Going to approve this one, hoping to see it in game :) Great job!
OOoohh BOI! I spent to much time on the damn birds that I left out the basics 😅
alright, on to the changes...
- 2 Variations Added (Plain Terrain & Bamboo Covered Terrain)
- 2 Variations (Onbari & Huirakhan)
- 2 Variations Added each (Plain & Elevated)
- 3 Variations Added each (Plasma, Acid, Lava)
- 2 Variations Added each (Plain & Elevated)
- 3 Floors/Variations
- 3 Variations Added each (Plasma, Acid, Lava)
- 2 Variations for each Floor
- Boss room Variations (Normal Boss & Dungeon Completer Boss)
- + Exit Portal for Dungeon Completer Boss Rooms
- 2 Variations Added for the Water area of the Pagoda
- Lily pad Variations (Leafy & Flowery)
- Added Stairs to eliminate the need to jump
- Removed Stashes, now replaced with a "Vase protector" & "Lookout Post"
- Removed Back Entrance to make room for the stairs
- Completely Removed all grass as it increases element count
- Reduced dungeon traps outside
- Greatly Reduced the amount of decorations 💔
- Reduced Mobs Spawners
- Revamped Tower Interiors to match the colors of the corresponding liquid
- Revamped Shrines to match the colors of the corresponding liquid
- Element Count does not reach the "Red Zone" anymore (as far as I have tested) and hopefully :<
My oh my this is beautiful. Lots of effort and passion must ve went into this dungeon :) Im very fond of overall design, very pretty and on-point.
Layout is great, bosses shifting positions is great, terrain is interesting and well-made and all functional elements seem to be in place too, but lets talk about variety, accessibility and 'elements' count.
You have two very different fire birds and they are just eye candy, but actual boss fight place is absolutely identical. Make one bigger/smaller/lower/higher/other traps/other colors, you know how that works :) Something to make the fight conditions differ.
Absolutely same thing goes for both (all 6) towers. They are well decorated and shifting boss spawners should make it vary (and i absolutely love the squirrel stash) but they all look identical and have same layout/fighting conditions. We should avoid making players question themselves of 'have i already been here? am i going in circles? did i lag all the way back to previous tower?'.
I understand they have to stay identical on the outside, else there wont be such a nice symmetry but on the inside there should be ways to make them look and feel unique.
Another question would be navigation within those two towers. Oddly enough Forbidden Spires spawns starting from the very first world, and unfortunately that is not a bug. Atm im failing to find a way to climb up with 2 jumps, it seems like i need at least 5 to get to higher rooms. Plus, position of hatches one above another makes it possible to fall all the way down by accident, which would be really frustrating with low amount of jumps.
If you were, lets say, flip the middle room and place jump pads below each hatch it would make climbing up much more newcomer-friendly.
You could also make walls 2-thick and use one tower blueprint as outer shell in which rooms will be plugged in. That way you will have:
- 1 tower shell blueprint
- 2 (yellow/bottom) rooms blueprints
- 2 (green/middle) room blueprints
- 2 (blue/top) room blueprints
All of that can look different as long as they have same entrance/exit points that work for all layouts. But you might need to think through boss/miniboss spawner placements to be sure there are always at least 2 miniboss and 1 big boss spawning options present in a dungeon. For example, if you say your bottom/yellow rooms in both variations have miniboss spawners, you will always have secured positions for miniboss because you have 2 towers and this room will be used twice. Hope it makes sense.
Last but definitely not least. Decorations and traps (and floating/corner connected voxels) highly increase count of elements. You can see that one in metaforge if you type /debugtext. Currently your dungeon for the most part is in the Red zone.
Red is a high count which means that something has too many elements and so it will take more resources to display/generate such a dungeon for player = longer it will take = more lag are we likely to experience in worlds. It pains me to say this, but please do trim down amount of decorations.
Occasional red spikes could be fine, as long as from majority of angles (read - walkthrogh path) it shows orange/green.
Im going to change status of this dungeon to Active for now. Hoping to see it on review again!