
Star Dust

Likes ice cream, especially with star sprinkles.

Conçu par : Trove Team


Database Changes

Changes in the database for Star Dust

images from to https://i.imgur.com/p63q3jB.png

May 10, 2023 Contribution

effects changed from


  • 400 Light
  • \r\n
  • 20.0% Critical Damage
  • \r\n

Has a chance to recover once flask charge when a nearby enemy dies.



  • 400 Light
  • \r\n
  • 20.0% Critical Damage
  • \r\n

Has a chance to recover one flask charge when a nearby enemy dies.

March 15, 2023 Database Change

troxel changed from nothing to Link

March 7, 2023 Contribution

troxel changed from nothing to Link

March 7, 2023 Contribution

rarity changed from '' to 'Common'

December 6, 2022 Database Change

obtained changed from
Upgrading Minor Star of Mining and Heartiness node on Star Chart to

Unlocked by upgrading the Minor Star of Mining and Heartiness on the Constellation of Gathering at [The Grand Orrery] - Star Chart.

December 6, 2022 Database Change

effects changed from
Ally\r\n • 400 Light\r\n • 20.0% Critical Damage\r\nHas a chance to recover once flask charge when a nearby enemy dies. to


  • 400 Light
  • \r\n
  • 20.0% Critical Damage
  • \r\n

Has a chance to recover once flask charge when a nearby enemy dies.

December 6, 2022 Database Change

obtained from to Upgrading Minor Star of Mining and Heartiness node on Star Chart

December 6, 2022 Contribution

mastery from 0 to 50

December 6, 2022 Contribution

powerrank from 0 to 75

December 6, 2022 Contribution

effects from to Ally • 400 Light • 20.0% Critical Damage Has a chance to recover once flask charge when a nearby enemy dies.

December 6, 2022 Contribution

Entry created

November 22, 2022 Reeling in the Stars