PY U10 Fae build

Fae Trickster build by PichuYang added 5 years ago.

This build was updated for
Green Game Jam

Often mistaken as "left clicker", requires Zealous Emblem to fully utilize her abilities, even when Delvin.


===[Roles explanations]===
- Farming: Works better for Uber 10 Topside, since she lacks any high frequency attack.
Bcs of this, you do not need to go full Crystal gems, unless you want a Crystal Arcane gem set for every MD class.
- Leveling: By Jun 26 2023, Uber 11 has the same/similar XP rate as Uber 10.

- Delves: 2 set of Faerie Dance staves have good DPS on boss, while Glitter Bomb is strong enough for mobbing. (117 - 128 or Public Delves contest)

====[Subclass Priority]====
Light: Solarion
Speed: Bard > Candy Barbarian > Lunar Lancer
Patron user flux farming at U10: Pirate Captain, cannonball attack could help

Pirate Captain Subclass

Naval Gunfire - Damaging an enemy has a chance to call a cannon ball from the sky.

Stat Priority

Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Magic Find
Energy Regeneration

- Put Critical Hit on gear/subclass IF you need them for early game.
- Attack Speed is necessary for chest opening.

Max Health
Movement Speed
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Max Health
Movement Speed
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

- Recommended Hidden Effects are NONE.
- Trick Trick Boom chance is unreliable, while Juggernaut reduces the overall health of DPS staves.
- If you are not obsessed with Magic Find, I putting ER stat on Ring.

===[Reroll Reference]===

Ally and Flasks

파워 랭크 75

주위에서 적이 죽으면 이동 속도가 증가합니다.

또한 황금 연꽃으로 통합니다.
50 마스터리 포인트

- Orchian (Paragon Workbench) is the best ally for FT.
- Use Prefect Penguin (Giant's Winter Chest, trading) if you want try FT in early game.
- Use Aevyr (Delves) when you cannot craft Orchian.
- Use Clownish Kicker (Dev Dream) or Staruable (Star Chart, right branch) if you don't need damage.

Speed boosting buff is easy to trigger thanks to Glitter Bomb's ease of use and its high base damage.

파워 랭크 50


플라스크 사용 시, 체력의 40%를 회복합니다.

매직 파인드가 활성화 되었을 때 일정 확률로 충전됩니다.
25 마스터리 포인트

- Using Origin Portal Potion or visiting club are alternative options for flask refilling.
- Use Death-Defying Vial for U11 if you really have no confidence.

===[Ally and Emblem Loadout]===
- Early Game: Prefect Penguin + Arcane + Trailblazing
- U10 Farm: Staruable + Zealous + Trailblazing
- U10 Gloom Delves: Orchian + Arcane + Chronomantic/Zealous
- U11 (Trying): Orchian + Arcane + Zealous

파워 랭크 50

플라스크 사용 시, 에너지를 완전히 회복합니다.

트로브 허브에 럭시온의 상점이 나타날 때 구매할 수 있습니다.
25 마스터리 포인트
파워 랭크 50
스토어에서 큐빗이나 크레딧으로 구매할 수 있습니다.
25 마스터리 포인트

Empowered Gems

Instead of class gem, I only use Stellar Cubic Curtain. As what I explained about Glitter Bomb and U10 farming, you don't need Crystal high stat to achieve that. Even though Class gem is the easiest Crystal gem to obtain, the effect is not as good as Cubic Curtain.

However, there might, "might" be a rework over Fae, so please do not fully invest a Cubic Curtain just to play Fae. Just grab class gem and pray, or fully invest another Arcane class' Crystal Class gem instead. (Draco, Tomb, Ice)

Gem tool:
Gem guide:

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Fae-go my Ego Class Gem

Ego Blast now requires an additional hit of damage to remove the bonus.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem

Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.


The playstyle of Fae is just blink in, Glitter Bomb, loot, blink out. The use of Zealous Emblem is highly encouraged.

For Delves, summon the ultimate 2 times, then protect them with your decoy.

Massive stat is not required unless you want to farm Uber 11 effectively. I would prefer to relocate the gem to another class instead.

Pre-Delves Fae on Topside U10

40k PR Fae demo in Public Delves

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