Ultimate Boomeranger Guide
build by Jhxe
added 6 years ago.
This build was updated for
Reeling in the Stars - Hotfix 4
Boomeranger is a top-tier character ever since the changes we're made. His Mysterious Urn skill now has a chance to reroll another Mysterious Urn skill that could potentially break the whole game if rolled a god dice. This means that even a low PR Boomeranger can potentially clear any dungeon to his liking long as he actually deals damage and can survive a whole loop (with Death-Defiance)
Notes: With the changes on Boomeranger, Bow comes up to the very top.
-Melee: 200% > 200% > 250% + DMG Reduction Buff and 3x (300% Cyclone)
-Bow: 200% + 160% DOT > 200% + Slow effect > 200%x3 + 160% AOE Dmg
This doesn't mean Melee is out of the picture, it just mean that Bow is faster for clearing while Melee will save you a lot of potions. If you're already at a point where everything is 1 hit, Melee will probably be your go-to for flash farming.
- Good for Flash Farming
- Save a lot of Potion
- Less susceptible to lag
- Weaker damage than Bow
- Bad Ring effect
- Higher DPS by a long shot vs. Melee
- Boomerang Buffs are kinda OP
- Can use potions for offensive purposes
- Might miss boomerang if being chased or knocked back
- Combo is slightly required for optimal DPS
- Lower cooldowns of skills with boomerang CDR
When comboing with Bow, it's best to throw Bombs then pour out all your boomerangs, then work up back to full cd and repeat the sequence while remembering to use boomerang on times that buffs goes to 2sec below
Lunar Lancer Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: If you're already 90-100% crit hit in dragons/gems, just go for AS/MS on all your gear. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. This means you can flash farm and be a menace for delves while keeping your identity as a solo farmer in u11. You get a lot of Crit Damage from Dragons and Gems, so just sacrifice a little of them for faster farming.

Notes: Magic Find if you already have 30+ Jumps from dragons.
Ally and Flasks
- 400 Light
- 25% Physical Damage
Gain 15% health when a nearby enemy dies.
Gain a movement speed boost when a nearby enemy dies.
Animated Jug still is OK, since Stellar Constellations are expensive
Paragon Marks' are also hard to get, if you're going Earnie.
Jingles is a good alternative if you're going support role in Delves.
Whenever casting ULT or throwing all your boomerang(BOW), always pop a potion, a good combo goes like: Pot > S2 > S1 > Pot > RMB(4x); this combo will auto clear any Boss and deals an absurd amount of damage.
You can fiddle around with the Emblem 2, for Levis, u can try Unyielding if you're the one tanking.
Has a chance to not consume a charge.
Empowered Gems
Make sure you max out Light on your cosmic gems. A full 3 proc on light on every cosmic gem is mandatory on every class going on to late game. For Empowered, just augment them till perfection as long as they're initially 3-statted.
Since Shadow Towers are practically removed from the game, I can suggest taking Berserk vs Vampyrian. However, due to the nature of a tanking boomer, you can go for Vamp if you're going ham on all content.
Bawk-Bomb Class Gem
Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs.
These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Cubic Curtain
Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.