The Trove developers hosted a livestream this evening, covering launch preparation, the new class and the refer a friend system.
Following TeeKayM and Bragi’s formats, here’s today’s stream summary:
If you missed the stream you can catch it here.
Hosted by:
- Adam (Decoy_Trion)
- Ted (Dopesheet)
- Andrew (Avarem)
- Robin (Twixler)
Launch Preparation + News
- Focus on polish
- Take a look and post on Avarem’s launch hit list
- Starter pack is no longer there for experienced players
- Will have 8 days from when you start playing to purchase the pack before it goes away
- More deals will be added
- Map changes incoming
New Class: Tomb Raiser!
- Weapon = staff
- Shoots laserbeams of death
- Summons skeletal minions
- Necromancer-full details released next week
New Refer a Friend System
- Method to get the next dragon: Elder Dragon
- Have to be new to the game (not retroactive)
- Need to refer friends that reach Mastery Level 30
- 1 person = Elder Dragonling Ally
- 3 people = Elder Dragonsquire Ally
- 5 people = Elder Dragon Fledgling
- 10 people = Elder Dragon
- 30 people = Disaeon the Immortal
- Allies:
- Elder Dragonling Ally: 8% Physical Damage, 8% Magic Damage, Reduces cooldown time by 10%, Damaging enemies has a chance to blast them with fire
- Elder Dragonsquire Ally: 7 Superstition
New Shadow Pinatas
- Going live on Tuesday-will be a bonus on top of things you normally buy in store
- Shadow Style Surprises
- Shadow Pinata Mount
New UI:
- Inventory is now vertical
- New character UI (coming a week from Tuesday)
Dragons + Challenges:
- Will have away to convert materials to old ones (to apply towards old dragons)
- Dragon Spirit (+1-% health, +1 Health, +50 Magic Find)-not all dragons will have dragon spirit
- Changes to challenges incoming:
- Way too good at challenges
- Cache rewards at higher level will be brought down a bit
- 2 for bronze/silver
- 2 for gold/platinum
- World level requirement will be enforced-will not get credit for challenge if you're on a Level 1 bonus class, etc
New Streamer News:
- Robo Raptors have run their course
- New giveaway-the week of the launch patch (first week of July): Balefire Wings!
- Inventory Polish
- Not a pre-launch task
- Post-launch will involve ability to unlock more inventory space
- Aetheonus: Does the Tomb Raiser involve any lich-y-ness?
- Does not turn into a lich specifically but does have a buff that changes appearance
- WarTaak: Do you plan on adding new types of challenges
- One idea-shadow dungeon challenge with a specific dragon cache involved
- Will look at other potential variations for challenges
- Magma_Guard: Why 3 Penta-Souls instead of 2?
- It takes a lot to make Radiant-needs to cost more
- Eloc Freidon: Old Crafting Benches as decoration?
- They’ve been using old benches for new things, but if they decide not to they may bring them back as deco.
- They are looking at branching out crafting system and expanding it a bit (Mr.E working on it)
- WarTaak: Club-specific PVP/PVE content?
- Not sure about club-specific content yet but they do want to add some club-based progression
- Dragon fireballs are causing a crash on some people-will be looked into
- Bees: Does the game have any bugs that ended up being kept as features?
- They are certain there are but will need a week to remember, haha.
- Val1407: Plasma Fishing + High-Altitude Lava Fishing?
- Will be worked on after polish
- Magma_Guard: When will Everdark coming or is it never going to be implemented? (vague answer)
- WarTaak: Will there be more Neon Nightsky type of crafting quests?
- Not anything slated yet but they want to.
- Batman: Why is the Trove Creations ship late?
- Have a TON of creations coming (300+) but will come after they’re doing concentrating on polish.
- Underground Update-no ETA but may have more coming
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