Stream Notes - Find what was included in this week's Friday Stream.
Since Bragi is gone from the forums and the game I decided to do the Highlights myself since nobody else did. Let me know if I missed anything.
Friday the 15th May - Monster Bash Stream Hightlights!
The Monster Bash update is coming May 19th.
You can watch the full thing here!
Avarem has his face on his shirt..
- Andrew (Avarem)
- Ted (Dopesheet)
- Adam (Decoy_Trion)
- Elery (Mr.E)
New Class - Boomeranger
- Changed the name from "Adventurer" to "Boomeranger".
- Uses either a bow or a melee (and uses Physical Damage)
- Doesn't use energy, its all based on cooldowns.
- Every third attack does a lot of damage
- M2 Ability is a boomerang - Use it to stun and damage enemies and be sure to catch it as it reduces cooldown speed.
- Abilty #1 is a huge bomb - Use it to destroy walls and dungeons (doesn't destroy the terrain)
- Ultimate is a Myserious Urn - Has a chance to spawn: 3 Fighting chickens which will attack enemies; Health ; Cooldown Reduction or a cluster-bomb.
- Health And Cooldown goes to everyone in the area too.
New Forging
- Not included in the Monster Bash update, but is coming the week after.
- No more random rolling. You can now just upgrade your gear through the forge without rolling.
- Each rarity now has 5 star levels - It determines how good your gear is.
- Once you hit 5, you upgrade to the next rarity.
- Will cost Perfect Prisms, but once you get to Shadow Rarity it will cost other resources instead.
- Some more stuff which is hard to explain here. Just watch the stream.
New Boss Abilities
Includes new abilities such as
- Cloning,
- Gravity Weld(?),
- Nova,
- Meteor,
- Spiders
- and many others.
New Flasks
- Experimental Numbers - Everything you see may change.
- There are Vials and Elements.
- Vials
- Includes Elysian Bandolier (A lot of Capacity, small health restore.);
- Balanced Elysian Flask (Medium Capacity and medium health restore);
- Elysian Jug (low capacity, max heal);
- Death Defying Flask(Will activate when you have 1 health and you're about to die)
- Elements- Include secondary abilities such as:
- Boost Health Regen;
- Boost Energy Regen;
- Boost Jump and Movement Speed;
- Brief Invulnerability;
- Spawn a shadow chicken to fight alongside you
- and many more.
- Vials
- - Unintended spoiler - Ted jumped into the PVP portal and we caught a glimpse of the PVP world/island.
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