Flask Edition
Trove Forums
December 9, 2014
- Flasks are now a collectable and are permanently bound to your 'Q' slot (re-bindable in settings)
- Flasks customization are now in the store - these change the behavior and size of your flask when equipped
- The starter flask now has 10 charges, down from 12
- Winter pinata now has a double drop rate on styles and recipes for the thrower and 5% drop rate on styles and recipes for other players
- The Style Surprise item is now in the store - this item unlocks a random non-shadow adventuring style you don't already have.
- The chat window has gotten some visual polish
- Added underwater effect to camera
- Saloonbot and Fridgebot NPCs now use the appropriate punch attacks. They should be dealing less damage now.
- Fixed issue with the camera clipping through terrain in 1x1 holes.
- More cornerstones should appear around the hub.
- Improved client stability
- Neon City and Candoria terraformers now have unique VFX
- The Dry Gulch dungeon should now properly spawn in the Frontier.
- New Candoria recipe lair from FriedSushi.
- New Candoria lair from Celeress.
- New Candoria lair from Valaadus and Jereg.
- New Medieval Highlands dungeon from Icke.
- New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Minitone.
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