4/1/14 Craftable Com Chest, New Hairstyles, No Foolin' Edition
Trove Forums
April 1, 2014
- You can now craft the community chest!
- Crafting stations, portals, and the homeworld heart can now only be placed in a Homeworld.
- Recipes now show up when using crafting stations even if you haven't unlocked that station.
- Rank 5+ and 5++ portals now work correctly
- Legendary is now the base rarity for Rank 5.
- Crafted blocks will now drop themselves when destroyed (instead of primal). All blocks have been moved over to a new format and therefore won't stack and in some cases won't work the same way as older blocks in your inventory and won't be usable for crafting.
- Deco and crafted items now have rarities.
- Chat channels now have colors
- Homeworlds now only show up in the lobby under the following conditions: they are yours, they have a player in them, they have more than 5 'faves'.
- The mining laser now follows the reticule better.
- Portals will now send players to new adventure worlds if the old one has been around for more than 15 minutes.
- Added /timelapse for capturing screenshots over a period of time from a fixed location. It will use the current camera's viewpoint at the time the command was run.
- New weapons, cornerstone decorations, and hairstyles from Dyzfunctional, JonThePlays, Timster, and PorcelainManiac have been added to the game!
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