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.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-180 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 970019064804180019 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Incorrect full delve gateway message [color] => 6029056 [timestamp] => 2022-04-30T17:49:26.971000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => SlouchingPotato [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => Xbox [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => A message to appear that the queue is full [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Trying to enter a delve gateway that had a lot of players near it [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Get more than 8 players for 1 gateway and notice in the bottom right corner that an incorrect message appears [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by SlouchingPotato#0384 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-30T17:49:27.132000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
Trove IGN
A message to appear that the queue is full
Trying to enter a delve gateway that had a lot of players near it
Reproduction Steps
Get more than 8 players for 1 gateway and notice in the bottom right corner that an incorrect message appears
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-170 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 967410506572922911 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** items on the hotbar sometimes gets moved around when said items are moved in the inventory [color] => 65431 [timestamp] => 2022-04-23T13:03:58.262000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => hotbar items to stay still on their position on every circumstance [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => doing any movement on the inventory, that is for example hitting the order button [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => set two items on the two sets of the hotbar, move them around between them just like in the linked video [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-23T13:03:58.385000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
hotbar items to stay still on their position on every circumstance
doing any movement on the inventory, that is for example hitting the order button
set two items on the two sets of the hotbar, move them around between them just like in the linked video
Asled 3 years ago Ticket T-212 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 966281779294142514 [type] => 0 [content] => just want to know if this how its supposed to be [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 684514707301990414 [username] => Asled [avatar] => cf742dc3f52d45303f6c8c58a88f871c [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 9190 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 966281778019061760 [filename] => SS.mp4 [size] => 1842751 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 [content_type] => video/mp4 ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-20T10:18:48.831000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
just want to know if this how its supposed to be
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-165 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 964408751551570021 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Starfish Skimmer is not collected with Chaotic Collection Stash [color] => 16712192 [timestamp] => 2022-04-15T06:16:04.191000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => WhaleShark [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => I didn't unlock Starfish Skimmer after saturating the stashes until they said all items were collected [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => I was using Chaotic Collection Stashes to get Chaos Chest Collectibles [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Have Starfish Skimmer uncollected Buy a Chaos Collection Stash from the store Try to unlock starfish skimmer with them [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Sly#2576 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-15T06:16:04.218000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
I didn't unlock Starfish Skimmer after saturating the stashes until they said all items were collected
I was using Chaotic Collection Stashes to get Chaos Chest Collectibles
Have Starfish Skimmer uncollected Buy a Chaos Collection Stash from the store Try to unlock starfish skimmer with them
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-163 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 961662813049339934 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** when searching for "Hide Collected" items on marketplace some can't appear despite them being not collected [color] => 6095103 [timestamp] => 2022-04-07T16:24:41.370000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => all uncollected rubber bomb skins appearing when in Hide Collected [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => when searching for the new rubber bomb styles on marketplace, if I check "Hide Collected" they won't appear [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => search for "bunfest surprise" and check "hide collected", check if they appear [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Cr0nicl3 D3str0y3r#2977 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-04-07T16:24:41.462000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
all uncollected rubber bomb skins appearing when in Hide Collected
when searching for the new rubber bomb styles on marketplace, if I check "Hide Collected" they won't appear
search for "bunfest surprise" and check "hide collected", check if they appear
Asled 3 years ago Ticket T-199 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971077227137605642 [type] => 0 [content] => DT ult impact vfx broke [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 684514707301990414 [username] => Asled [avatar] => cf742dc3f52d45303f6c8c58a88f871c [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 9190 [public_flags] => 0 ) [attachments] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 971077226126770256 [filename] => slam.mp4 [size] => 3643115 [url] => [proxy_url] => [width] => 852 [height] => 548 [content_type] => video/mp4 ) ) [embeds] => Array ( ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-03T15:54:12.692000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
DT ult impact vfx broke
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-185 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971428946690326608 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Changing to geode mode disables your ring ability [color] => 55039 [timestamp] => 2022-05-04T15:11:49.048000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Boldd [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => Expected the ring ability to work as it did before the patch [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Was doing a delve, swapped to geode mode and back, tried to use my ring ability and it didn't work until i re-equipped it. [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Enter delve Press Tab Press Tab Use ability with ring hidden effect Observe it not working [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Boldd#1469 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-04T15:11:49.168000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
Expected the ring ability to work as it did before the patch
Was doing a delve, swapped to geode mode and back, tried to use my ring ability and it didn't work until i re-equipped it.
Enter delve Press Tab Press Tab Use ability with ring hidden effect Observe it not working
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-187 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971781308353237003 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Origin Portal Potions do not show when searching in the Marketplace ("Buy" tab), but the "Sell" tab says there are listings. [color] => 16711894 [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:31:58.718000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Exodium_ [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => To see Origin Portal Potion listings [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Posting Origin Portal Potions in the Marketplace [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Open the Marketplace Search for "Origin Portal Potions" [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Exodium#4626 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:31:58.735000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
To see Origin Portal Potion listings
Posting Origin Portal Potions in the Marketplace
Open the Marketplace Search for "Origin Portal Potions"
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-188 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971783082812276736 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Players sometimes appear in the Spawn of a world when joining another player, forcing them to wait until the cooldown is resetted. Only happens if the two players are in different worlds [color] => 16728832 [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:39:01.639000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Exodium_ [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => To enter the world and spawn where that person was at that moment [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Joining a player who was in a Leviathan in a U10 world [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Open the friends menu Join a player in a different world Wait to enter the world and see how you appear in the spawn Seems to happen sometimes randomly [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Exodium#4626 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:39:01.799000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
To enter the world and spawn where that person was at that moment
Joining a player who was in a Leviathan in a U10 world
Open the friends menu Join a player in a different world Wait to enter the world and see how you appear in the spawn Seems to happen sometimes randomly
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-189 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971784945955647508 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Loading screen never ends when a portal is interacted with multiple times. Sometimes fixes by doing /tutorial and leaving [color] => 4784383 [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:46:25.800000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Exodium_ [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => For the loading screen to end, and to appear in the world as usual [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Entering a Moonglow Grotto cave world [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Go to a Geode caves portal (not aware if it happens with all portals/worlds), doesn't matter which Press E a few times before the loading screen appears [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => Empty [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Exodium#4626 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T14:46:26.007000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
For the loading screen to end, and to appear in the world as usual
Entering a Moonglow Grotto cave world
Go to a Geode caves portal (not aware if it happens with all portals/worlds), doesn't matter which Press E a few times before the loading screen appears
.Trove Bot 3 years ago Ticket T-190 Other Messages Raw Message View on Discord
Array ( [id] => 971788645801558126 [type] => 0 [content] => [channel_id] => 812354696320647238 [author] => Array ( [id] => 425403525661458432 [username] => .Trove Bot [avatar] => f1073b841f9444d55989b810d1e9da0f [avatar_decoration] => [discriminator] => 6130 [public_flags] => 0 [bot] => 1 ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [embeds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => rich [description] => **Context** Primal Preserve/Saurian Swamp dungeons can very rarely appear in adjacent biomes [color] => 40703 [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T15:01:07.969000+00:00 [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Trove IGN [value] => Exodium_ [inline] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Platform [value] => PC [inline] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Expected [value] => For dungeons to appear in their correct biomes [inline] => ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Observed [value] => Got invited by someone who found one of those dungeons in a Peaceful Hills biome [inline] => ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Reproduction Steps [value] => Go to Jurassic Jungle world (for more of those biomes) Check adjacent non-Primal Preserve/Saurian Swamp biomes (not aware of which one exactly causes the bug) for possible dungeons in the wrong place [inline] => ) [5] => Array ( [name] => Media [value] => [inline] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => Bug report by Exodium#4626 [icon_url] => [proxy_icon_url] => ) [footer] => Array ( [text] => Reported via Bot ) ) ) [mentions] => Array ( ) [mention_roles] => Array ( ) [pinned] => [mention_everyone] => [tts] => [timestamp] => 2022-05-05T15:01:08.119000+00:00 [edited_timestamp] => [flags] => 0 [components] => Array ( ) )
For dungeons to appear in their correct biomes
Got invited by someone who found one of those dungeons in a Peaceful Hills biome
Go to Jurassic Jungle world (for more of those biomes) Check adjacent non-Primal Preserve/Saurian Swamp biomes (not aware of which one exactly causes the bug) for possible dungeons in the wrong place