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Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Expired Explorer (Hecho con el Mouse/raton) art

No, no, I just wanted to upload my drawing made to mouse.
Same luck to the participant.

Commented on: Wildflower Warlock Giveaway giveaway

Thanks. ♥
Gracias. ♥
Obrigada. ♥

Commented on: Bubble Blaster event


Commented on: Wildflower Warlock Giveaway giveaway

Buena suerte a todos - Español. ♥
Boa sorte a todos - Portuguës. ♥
Good luck to you all - English. ♥

Commented on: Mighty Miner style

Me gusta ese Hat, se ve chido.

Commented on: https://www.trovesaurus.com/button

Vamos :D si se puede