
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: The Great Tower of Geode Topside Dungeon (1 Star) creation


Holy schnitzel, its been a while since i saw such a well made dungeon, just wow :D

Very nice job, great layouts, pleasant variety and stunning appearance. All them technical moments are correct too, im impressed :)

There are just a couple of very minor things that i would like to see adjusted:

- traps in boss rooms. At the moment all 10 of them only have spikes. If some had fireballs/homing fireballs/flame turrets it would really spice up the experience.

- decorations and traps in gameplay rooms. There is quite a lot going on in all 4 of them and they are not that spacious at all. While i can live with 01 and 02, the 03 and 04 rooms simply have an overload of elements in end sections. On the image below Left side has a screenshot of 03, right side has screenshot of same room but with less elements. You dont have to do exactly same thing as on the screenshot, just reduce the amount of decorations/liquids/traps somewhat :)

Both of those things can be quickly fixed in Metaforge. If you have not used them yet, Mimic blocks work lovely on all solid blocks that are not glass/glowing. Add them with /wadd placeable/block/transmute/mimic and ctrl+z if they mimic wrong block when placed.

Going to change status to Active for now, but really hoping to see this dungeon back on Review soon!

Commented on: Robotic Remover Pistol creation

Robotic Remover status has been set to Active

Commented on: Robotic Remover Pistol creation


Oh whoa, im so sorry. For some reason i did not see the ping from this gun going on review >_< Good thing someone else posted other creation that pinged.

About the design, its a solid idea and the shape looks good too. I dont think we have a neon gun that looks quite like this in game yet, but there is some room for improvement.

First of all, colors. On your Troxel model you use the Attachment Point (255.0.255 RGB) to color the sides of the model, that is not something that can happen. Each blueprint can contain only one voxel colored like that because depending on its position the game knows where to put the model. Multiple APs confuse it and make models appear in unexpected places.

I see your screenshots show somewhat different design, and uploaded files show that one too, but Troxel is what i and developers will check first before considering to approve/accept/download. Please be sure to always update Troxel link.

Another thing, and this applies to both versions, some shading could really contribute to the charm of the design. At the moment there are 2 shades of black and one shade for grey for metal. If you were to brighten parts that light (imaginary) falls on and darken parts that stay in the shadow it would add some nice depth to the model which otherwise might seem 2d in game.

Also it could be good to shift from pink/blue pure Neon colors and use some color combination from Luminopolis sub biome. There are less styles that belong to it.

Again i apologize for such a long delay. Going to change status of this creation to Active for now, if you set it back to review and there is no response in a week or two please feel free to manually poke me about it through Trovesaurus mail.

Commented on: Super Sparkler Pistol creation

Super Sparkler status has been set to Active

Commented on: Super Sparkler Pistol creation


Very cute and clever idea for a gun :)

I have checked this style with various auras, and while it doesnt look perfect with some it looks great with others :)

However, i believe it would be worth it to try making it slightly bigger, somewhat more gun-shaped and glowing to make sure it reads better as Sparkler.  Without glowing it feels like it could also be the ribbons-on-a-stick kind of childs toy.

With Trove, we have to rely on the appearance of things, not their names or descriptions since Devs tend to name everything with a pun.

Going to set this creation to Active for now. Set it back to Needs Review if you upload updated model. If you d rather work on something completely different, set this one to Draft, it will free up a creation slot for other style.

In any case, good luck!

Commented on: Prospector's Pickaxes Fist creation

Prospector's Pickaxes status has been set to Active

Commented on: Prospector's Pickaxes Fist creation


Fist style looks great! Quite a fun idea, and fits well in Delves theme :) Thank you for uploading a properly named blueprint too!

There are, however, couple of things that prevent me from approving it right away.

At the moment your fist style is facing wrong direction, fist styles must be on 'outer' side instead of 'up'. Left side has orientation as it is, right side has orientation as it should:

To fix that you only need to rotate your model in the voxel editor, export it as new QB and convert it to Blueprint.

With that fixed, another issue pops up:

Because of the way how gloves on most costumes of Vanguardian are, model as is will badly clip. You can fix that by moving this group of voxels one or two blocks 'forward'.

Another thing, you might want to check out Material Maps, they can be used to add glowing blocks/glass/metal to Trove models. Some metal shine on pickaxe could make the appearance much more refined :) 

Last but not least, it might be worth to change colors to match Delves, you know, those gold-blue-whites. While having a different idea behind it, current design and coloring feels very close to in-game style Grappling Glove.

Going to change status of your creation to Active for now. Set it back to review if you upload changes!


Commented on: Shrine Maiden Decoration creation

Shrine Maiden status has been set to Active

Commented on: Shrine Maiden Decoration creation


There is no correct category for 'class' submissions because this is not something that we deal with here on Creations. You can submit a weapon/hat/face/hair/helmet style, a dungeon or a decoration .I only have a right to review and check those to make sure they are correct from technical side and appealing from design side. 

Mounts, allies, costumes and other collectables can be posted as Mods here >

Mods are not moderated much, but strongly advised to be kept family-friendly.

While i do like your class idea, there is absolutely nothing i can do with it, sorry. You might have better luck catching some Dev attention if you post it Trove Forums > 

Im going to remove Needs Review status from this post, feel free to set it to Draft if you d like to hide it from public list of Active creations and may be use that creation slot for something else :)

Commented on: disappointment of the knights Dungeon (3 Star) creation

disappointment of the knights status has been set to Active

Commented on: disappointment of the knights Dungeon (3 Star) creation


New dungeons are always welcomed, and you have some very interesting design elements going on! However, as of this moment this creation is very far from being a proper dungeon, im sorry.

Please do read and follow the guide:

To highlight some major points:

- dungeon is not just one blueprint, its few separate blueprints (=rooms) that connect to each other with Plugs and Sockets and a .dungeon file that tells the game which blueprints can be used to assemble that dungeon

- dungeon must have variations, they are needed to keep dungeon farming less repetitive. Lets say you divide your dungeon into main tower and than allow those hanging rooms to plug in on various sides of it. For variation one you could have 2 rooms plugged on north and east sides of main tower, for variation two you could have 3 rooms plugged on east, south and west sides, at different heights too. There are endless possibilities.

- finished dungeon blueprints must contain monsters, traps, portal and boss chest(s). You place those in Metaforge.


This dungeon really has potential in it, but for now im going to change the status of your creation to Active. Change it back to Needs Review if you upload changes. If you d rather create something completely different, set it to Draft, that will hide it from the list and free up a creation slot.

In any case, good luck!

Commented on: Edge of Chaos Staff creation

Edge of Chaos status has been set to Approved

Commented on: Edge of Chaos Staff creation

Hello again!

Staff has a really nice appeal to it, great job on colors and maps :) 


For future occasions, we require a blueprint of a creation uploaded to the post (Files tab next to Edit etc) so Devs could easily download, check and put creations in game. Blueprint should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint, and so in your case staff_edge_of_chaos[Kiwimaximus].blueprint (creators name must be in square brackets and thats the only place that can have capital letter). This time around i ve made a blueprint out of your latest Troxel link files and uploaded it, but it saves me time if creators do that themselves :)