Hey all!

This week, during our dev livestream, we’ll talk about the ongoing Shadow’s Eve event, Luxion’s latest loot, visit your club worlds, and do lots of giveaways! We hope to see you there!

Trove Livestream
Start Time: Friday, November 2 at 12:30 PM PDT / 19:30 UTC
Duration: 45 minutes

Twitch Channel (to take part in giveaways): http://www.twitch.tv/trionworlds

If you play Trove on a console, and want to be able to unlock giveaway prizes in game, be sure to link your console to a Trion Worlds account. Linking your account will also unlock the adorable Cotton Candy ally for either Xbox One or PS4!

Cotton Candy

Winners of giveaways will be notified via Twitch whisper at the end of the livestream day, or on Monday at the latest.

We’ll see you there!

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No one cares if you visit clubs talk about a event that's about over or show some silly childish art.....  How about you talk about  what changes you are doing to make trion profitable so the game can carry on.  You need a new tactic, if you keep doing things the way that got you bankrupt your not the right people for this clearly.  You need to do some major changes.. Start with the live streams.... No one likes the way you do them... Get people who know the damn game for a start if your going to make us watch you play the game.. 

If you want to send feedback to Trion you can use their forum thread for the livestream http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?136965