Over the holidays, Trove hosted a Login to Win Sweepstakes. Here’s the update you’ve been waiting for!

From December 13, 2017 until January 4, 2018, we asked our NA and EU players to login to our games for a chance to win a treasure trove of sweet loot! Each daily login counted towards an extra entry.

Here’s what the winners will get:

  • A highly-anticipated Shadow Ganda, also known as Yabaki, the Cast Shadow, one winner per platform! It destroys blocks in Club Worlds where you have permission to do so.

Now…the winners have been chosen! We sent out emails to the winners earlier today (January 16, 2018). Check your mailboxes to see if you’re a winner! Once we’ve heard back from all the winners, we will update you on who won!

Thank you for participating in our holiday sweepstakes and being an amazing part of our vibrant player community!

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So who won? This hole give away smelt bad since it was talked about. To many hidden elements. 

What happens when a top YouTube has one? Everyone calls faul.. What happens when a top YouTubers friend has one? Everyone calls faul.. What happens when a top YouTuber does not have one.. No press.. It's a bad way to do a give away as all can call foul as its been done behind closed doors..


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I want it soooooooo baaaaaaad im a sheep bahh bahh

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So the Yabaki is work like bull doze?

No, it works like Ganda but instead of placing golden blocks, it places "shadow" blocks

Edit: Wait wtf. It destroys blocks in club worlds ? What about adventure worlds ? Like Ganda or just a normal mount ?
I guess it worls like a bulldozer in club worlds since ganda is useless in those (it can't place blocks in clubs) but in adventure worlds, it can.

I would be so disappointed if it's only another Bulldozer

is there anyway to make sure we got it or not? so that we can stop thinking that maybe, maybe the email was blocked by email system or whoever it is

wheres the winner list

dmn who get it

I'm a little confused, here you state only 1 winner per platform but when I read the rules it clearly stated 3 per platform for a total of 9 winners.

My thoughts exactly. Trion likes to change the terms on things whenever they are so inclined. That's why I don't ever get my hopes up too much anymore

That's so messed up. Like is it really that hard to keep to what you said to begin with? I mean how hard is it to generate 6 more codes. >.> SMH

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