CollectionsTop ^


  • NEW: Gloomy Gloaming - Neither light nor darkness, but the terrible twilight in between (Stellar Auras)



  • NEW: Corn Rollio - @Avoid very hot surfaces, unless you have a popcorn bowl handy (InProgress)
  • NEW: Crummy Drummie - @All you need is a puddle of gravy to roll in (InProgress)
  • NEW: Gourdzilla - Inhabited by an angry spirit bent on wanton destruction (Store)
  • NEW: Colossal Chiropteran - This massive bat may look menacing, but it is more fond of feeding on fruit than blood. (Event)
  • NEW: Mobile Mummy - Watch out for branches and other snags that might unravel your travel plans (Event)
  • NEW: Uncanny Coffin - Spread the holiday haunts aboard this bewitched casket. (Event)
  • NEW: Radiant Butterfly - The Suntouched Shimmerwing has emerged from her cocoon of pure light as a Radiant Butterfly! (Event)


  • Olhukoi, the Moonlit Muse desc changed from 'Each night she takes wing, chasing away nightmares, comforting the sleepless, and lavishing inspiration on those burning the midnight oil.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +0.3% Critical Hit, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Ma' to 'Each night she takes wing, chasing away nightmares, comforting the sleepless, and lavishing inspiration on those burning the midnight oil.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +0.3% Critical Hit, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.'
  • Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift desc changed from 'Inspired by Zehyra flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +50 Mining, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find' to 'Inspired by Zehyra flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +50 Lasermancy, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.'
  • Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator desc changed from 'It is said Rachnaphon's web is connected to all other webs, and every night a hundred thousand secrets are woven into it for safekeeping by her network of spies.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +8% Attack Speed, +1000 Max Health and +50 ' to 'It is said Rachnaphon's web is connected to all other webs, and every night a hundred thousand secrets are woven into it for safekeeping by her network of spies.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +8% Attack Speed, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.'
  • Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride desc changed from 'Daughter of Permafrost's Primarch, she has become adept at both stewarding the domain and serving abroad as its most trusted ambassador\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +3% Critical Damage, +500 Physical Damage and +50 M' to 'Daughter of Permafrost's Primarch, she has become adept at both stewarding the domain and serving abroad as its most trusted ambassador\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +1000 Max Health, +3% Critical Damage, +500 Physical Damage and +50 Magic Find.'
  • Takeout Takoyaki category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Store'
  • Oversized Okonomiyaki category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Store'
  • Tasty Taiyaki category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Store'
  • Mobile Miso Bowl category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Store'
  • Ramen Rider category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Store'
  • Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Promo'
  • Prismatic Lasercorn category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Promo'
  • Musical Mat category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Promo'

ItemsTop ^

  • @Radiant Dread -
  • Attepali's Buried Treasure description changed from 'Attepali, Paragon Mole of the Dawn and Patron of Seekers, grants these boons to the truly devoted.\n\nLoot Collect this chest for 11 Bound Brilliance, 11 Diamond Dragonite, and 1 Builder's Superior Focus (a gem augment item).' to 'Attepali, Paragon Mole of the Dawn and Patron of Seekers, grants these boons to the truly devoted.\n\nLoot Collect this chest for 25 Bound Brilliance, 10 Diamond Dragonite, and 1 Builder's Superior Focus (a gem augment item).'
  • Giant Pumpkin Pie - Gifted to Qubesly during the Shadow's Eve 2017 event. Due to the magic of the season, can be deconstructed back into raw pumpkins if extras are baked!



DecoTop ^

StylesTop ^

The importer for styles will need to be tweaked for this patch, as such it will be unavailable to view right now.

StringsTop ^

Account Export

Don't get excited, the client may support the text for this feature, but it is not yet in-game.

[$ExportAccount_BadDestination] => Unrecognized destination {0} for account export; expected {1}.
[$ExportAccount_PickDestination] => There are multiple possible destinations ({0}) to export to; please pick one.
[$ExportAccount_BadSend] => Failed to transmit account data.
[$ExportAccount_Failed] => Failed to setup account export.
[$ExportAccount_GoodSend] => Account has been exported to {0}
[$ExportAccount_NotEnabled] => Account export is not currently enabled on this server.
[$ExportAccount_Confirmation] => Please confirm that you want to completely
overwrite everything you have on the {0}
server with what you have on this server.
[$ExportAccount_SelectDestination] => Please select which server you wish
to export this account to:


[$Event_Sale_PirateCaptain_name] => PIRATE CAPTAIN SALE!
[$Event_Sale_PirateCaptain_description] => Class and all class costumes 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_Summer_Pinata_name] => SUMMER PINATA SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Summer_Pinata_description] => Stay on the beach with 50% off Summer Pinatas!
[$Event_Sale_ShadowsEve2017_name] => SHADOW EVE PACK!
[$Event_Sale_ShadowsEve2017_description] => A spooky grab bag of fun, now in the Store!
[$Event_Sale_SushiTurkey_name] => IRON CHEF PACK!
[$Event_Sale_SushiTurkey_description] => Iron Chef Pack, now in the Store!
[$Event_Sale_Autumn_Pinata_name] => AUTUMN PINATA SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Autumn_Pinata_description] => You autumn get 'em while they are 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_Knight_name] => KNIGHT SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Knight_description] => Class and all class costumes 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_Snowfest2017_name] => SNOWFEST 2017 PACK!
[$Event_Sale_Snowfest2017_description] => Frosty good and in the Store now!
[$Event_Sale_IceSage_name] => ICE SAGE SALE!
[$Event_Sale_IceSage_description] => Class and all class costumes 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_Greater_Dragon_Cache_name] => DRAGON CACHE SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Greater_Dragon_Cache_description] => Dragons gotta ride! 25% off in the Store now!
[$Event_Sale_FaeTrickster_name] => FAE TRICKSTER SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Sale_FaeTrickster_description] => Class and all class costumes 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_FastFortune_name] => FAST FORTUNE SALE!
[$Event_Sale_FastFortune_description] => Faster leveling, more power rank! 25% off now!
[$Event_Sale_Winter_Pinata_name] => WINTER PINATA SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Winter_Pinata_description] => 50% off before they melt!
[$Event_Sale_DinoTamer_name] => DINO TAMER SALE!
[$Event_Sale_DinoTamer_description] => Class and all class costumes 50% off!
[$Event_Sale_Black April_name] => BLACK APRIL SALE!
[$Event_Sale_Black April_description] => Black Friday is not enough! Stuff on sale!
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_warhorse_summerkami_name] => BLOCKY BONUS
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_warhorse_summerkami_description] => Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture, free in the Store!
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_carpet_music_name] => BLOCKY BONUS
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_carpet_music_description] => The melodious Musical Mat mount, free in the Store!
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_horse_lasercorn_name] => BLOCKY BONUS
[$Event_sale_deal_mount_horse_lasercorn_description] => Prismatic Lasercorn, free in the Store!


[$prefabs_collections_aura_aura_stellar_halloween_01_name] => Gloomy Gloaming
[$prefabs_collections_aura_aura_stellar_halloween_01_description] => Neither light nor darkness, but the terrible twilight in between
[$prefabs_collections_mount_mechquad_skull_name] => Collossal Skullcrawler
[$prefabs_collections_mount_mechquad_skull_description] => The placement of the seat makes you the brain of the operation
[$prefabs_collections_mount_mechquad_pumpkin_name] => Gourdzilla
[$prefabs_collections_mount_mechquad_pumpkin_description] => Inhabited by an angry spirit bent on wanton destruction
[$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_cranewhite_name] => Crimson-Crested Crane
[$prefabs_collections_mount_raptor_cranewhite_description] => Immune to the passage of time, these noble birds have witnessed the rise and fall of entire civilizations
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_trove_name] => Protagonist Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_trove_description] => Dressed for the part and ready to play
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_robot_name] => Cyborg Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_robot_description] => It looks menacing, but it really is just a big softy
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_radiant_name] => Radiant Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_radiant_description] => Its brilliance brings warmth and happiness to all who behold it
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_molten_name] => Piping Hot Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_molten_description] => Most predators find it too hot to handle and leave it be
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_jungle_name] => Paleolithic Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_jungle_description] => It has been around the block a few times
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_frozen_name] => Permafrost Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_frozen_description] => This cool companion would never give you the cold shoulder
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_fae_name] => Topiary Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_fae_description] => It found itself feeling leafy after feeding on Fae Forest foliage
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_candy_name] => Candy Pandie
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_candy_description] => This chunky chocolate-covered panda makes travelling a treat
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_basic_name] => Pudgy Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_basic_description] => It runs surprisingly fast for something so rotund
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_arcanium_name] => Pandabot Prototype
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_arcanium_description] => This arcanium-powered proof-of-concept never saw mass production
[$prefabs_collections_mount_board_sword_basic_name] => Soarwind Sword
[$prefabs_collections_mount_board_sword_basic_description] => Wielded by heroes of antiquity, it also serves as a convenient mode of transport
[$prefabs_collections_mount_board_sword_gold_name] => Blade of the Celestial Empress
[$prefabs_collections_mount_board_sword_gold_description] => The Celestial Empress, hypothetically an aspect or avatar of the Sun Goddess, is widely worshipped in the lands of the Forbidden Spires
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_cursed_name] => Pandemic Panda
[$prefabs_collections_mount_warhorse_panda_cursed_description] => A pungent cloud of putrid pestilence wafts from it. Wear a mask.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_chest_name] => Well-Travelled Treasure Chest
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_chest_description] => Damaged during a frightful frigate battle, it still keeps a tight lid on all its loot
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_cranberry_name] => Jiggling Jelled Sauce
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_cranberry_description] => Bail out before desserts atop this berry bouncy mount
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_mummy_name] => Mobile Mummy
[$prefabs_collections_mount_ball_mummy_description] => Watch out for branches and other snags that might unravel your travel plans
[$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_coffin_name] => Uncanny Coffin
[$prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_coffin_description] => Spread the holiday haunts aboard this bewitched casket.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_batbrown_name] => Colossal Chiropteran
[$prefabs_collections_mount_dragon_batbrown_description] => This massive bat may look menacing, but it is more fond of feeding on fruit than blood.
[$prefabs_collections_mount_butterfly_radiant_item_name] => Radiant Butterfly
[$prefabs_collections_mount_butterfly_radiant_item_description] => The Suntouched Shimmerwing has emerged from her cocoon of pure light as a Radiant Butterfly!


[$prefabs_item_crafting_giant_pumpkin_pie_name] => Giant Pumpkin Pie
[$prefabs_item_crafting_giant_pumpkin_pie_description] => Gifted to Qubesly during the Shadow's Eve 2017 event. Due to the magic of the season, can be deconstructed back into raw pumpkins if extras are baked!
[$prefabs_item_crafting_sun_thread_name] => Sunlight Thread
[$prefabs_item_crafting_sun_thread_description] => Gifted to the Suntouched Shimmerwing during the Awakening the Dawn event. Its magical properties allow it to be donstructed back into the base materials if additonal threads are created.
[$prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2017_item_name] => Haunted Mystery Box
[$prefabs_item_lootbox_shadowseve2017_item_description] => Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a rare chance of containing a Colossal Chiropteran or Uncanny Coffin mount.
[$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_coffin_name] => Mount: Uncanny Coffin
[$prefabs_item_mount_rocket_coffin_description] => Spread the holiday haunts aboard this bewitched casket.
[$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_batbrown_name] => Mount: Colossal Chiropteran
[$prefabs_item_mount_dragon_batbrown_description] => This massive bat may look menacing, but it is more fond of feeding on fruit than blood.
[$prefabs_item_mount_ball_mummy_item_name] => Mount: Mobile Mummy
[$prefabs_item_mount_ball_mummy_item_description] => Watch out for branches and other snags that might unravel your travel plans.
[$prefabs_item_mount_butterfly_radiant_item_name] => Mount: Radiant Butterfly
[$prefabs_item_mount_butterfly_radiant_item_description] => The Suntouched Shimmerwing has emerged from her cocoon of pure light as a Radiant Butterfly!
[$prefabs_item_quest_goldsilk_name] => Shimmering Sunsilk
[$prefabs_item_quest_goldsilk_description] => An organic thread of peerless strength and beauty


[$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pumpkin_00_name] => Hardened Headgourd
[$prefabs_loot_Hat_equipment_helm_pumpkin_00_desc] => Specially dried and smoked to enhance hardness and stave off decomposition


[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_urn_terracotta_name] => Rustic Terracotta Urn
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_urn_porcelain_02_name] => Rotund Dynastic Vase
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_urn_porcelain_01_name] => Elegant Dynastic Vase
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_statue_serpent_jade_name] => Jade Serpent Statuette
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_statue_ram_terracotta_name] => Terracotta Ram Statuette
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_statue_qubesly_jade_name] => Jade Qubesly Statuette
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_statue_dragon_terracotta_name] => Terracotta Dragon Statuette
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_statue_dragon_jade_name] => Jade Dragon Statuette
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_pennant_name] => Festival Pennant
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_lantern_02_name] => Large Festival Lantern
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_lantern_01_name] => Small Festival Lantern
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_banner_top_name] => Festival Banner Top
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_banner_mid_name] => Festival Banner Middle
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_banner_bot_name] => Festival Banner Bottom
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_rope_name] => Festival Cord
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_pedestal_jade_name] => Jade Pedestal
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_brazier_terracotta_name] => Terracotta Brazier
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_scroll_top_name] => Forbidden Spires Scroll Top
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_scroll_mid_name] => Forbidden Spires Scroll Middle
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_scroll_bot_name] => Forbidden Spires Scroll Bottom
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_red_top_name] => Forbidden Spires Banner Top
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_red_mid_name] => Forbidden Spires Banner Middle
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_red_bot_01_name] => Forbidden Spires Banner Tapered Bottom
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_banner_red_bot_00_name] => Forbidden Spires Banner Bottom
[$prefabs_placeable_deco_spires_bamboo_bundle_name] => Lucky Bamboo Bundle


Shadows Eve

[$Event_shadowseve_2017_general_welcomescreen_description] => Pumpkin Lairs, Candy Corn, and New Mounts!

[$StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2017_pack_name] => Gourdzilla Pack
[$StoreProduct_trove_shadowseve_2017_pack_description] => Pump yourself up to a squasherific look with this limited-time Shadow's Eve offer!\n\nIncludes the mammoth melon mount Gourdzilla, the eerie twilight glow of the Gloomy Gloaming stellar aura, and the Hardened Headgourd helm style!\n\nAct now, as Gourdzilla stops pounding on November 7th!

[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_01_Name] => Complete Pumpkin Lairs
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_01_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 1/7: Trovian! It's me, Qubesly! Awaken your Drak-o-lantern and spookytime costumes - Shadow's Eve has returned and Pumpkin Lairs have risen across the landscape of Trove once more.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_02_Name] => Craft a Haunted Mystery Box
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_02_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 2/7: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? I prefer to turn it into other treats! New Haunted Mystery Boxes can be found on the Shadowy Station in the Hub.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_03_Name] => Collect Pumpkins
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_03_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 3/7: Pumpkins are my favorite part of Shadow's Eve. Carved into decorations, eaten in a pie, or used to create something new at the Shadowy Station!\n\nPumpkins can be aquired through Gardening or from completing Pumpkin Lairs. They are also found in Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chests.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_04_Name] => Craft a Giant Pumpkin Pie
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_04_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 4/7: I'm throwing a Shadow's Eve Party but everyone is bringing tricks instead of treats. If you were to bake me a pie with those pumpkins you picked, I could offer you something nice in return.\n\nA Giant Pumpkin Pie can be crafted at the Shadowy Station in the Shadow's Eve Hub.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_05_Name] => Complete 1-Star Dungeons
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_05_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 5/7: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!\n\nComplete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Toadstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_06_Name] => Kill Bare-Bones Skeletons in Cursed Vale
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_06_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 6/7: I've always liked Cursed Vale but this time of year its denizens are out in droves, especially the bare-boned skeletons. Someone needs to do something about those guys, no bones about it!
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_07_Name] => Kill a Dracolich in a 1-Star Dungeon
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_ShadowsEve2017_07_Description] => Shadow's Eve 2017 7/7: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest in the future. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?

[$Claims_Shadowseve2017] => Spooky scary extra rewards for logging in during Shadow's Eve 2017!

[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_01] => I don't care what anyone else says, those Pumpkin Lairs are spooky!
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_02] => A box here. A box there. Filled with treats for all to share.
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_03] => So many tasty pumpkins. Time to do some baking.
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_04] => This pie is delicious! Here's something to aid you on the next leg of your journey.
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_05] => Todstrom never learns, does he?
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_06] => You sure rattled their bones, Trovian!
[$Claims_Event_ShadowsEve2017_07] => Have a spooky and safe Shadow's Eve, Trovian!

Sun Shadow 3

[$Event_ss3_name] => AWAKENING THE DAWN
[$Event_ss3_description] => The Shimmerwing needs your help, Trovian!

[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_01_Name] => Collect Sunlight Bulbs
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_01_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 1/8: A letter has arrived that appears to be from the Suntouched Shimmerwing. It reads, 'Greetings, Trovian. Elysia has told me the time has come and so I have begun to spin a cocoon of pure light for myself. However, I need your help to complete my metamorphosis.' \n\nSunlight Bulbs grow in the Peaceful Hills biomes in Uber worlds and higher. Look for the giant sunflower tower to find them.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_02_Name] => Craft Shimmering Sunsilk
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_02_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 2/8: The Sunlight Bulbs need to be crafted into Shimmering Sunsilk so that I can bind my cocoon together.\n\nVisit the Wheel of Season in the Hub or at your Cornerstone or Club World to craft the Shimmering Sunsilk.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_03_Name] => Defeat Golden Scarabs
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_03_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 3/8: The Golden Scarabs of the Medieval Highlands Lairs hold special magic that must be released to enable my transformation.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_04_Name] => Craft some Bombs
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_04_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 4/8: The lairs of dark creatures loom over the lands of the Sun Goddess and inhibit her power. We must bring them down, Trovian. Craft some Bombs to prepare for the assault.\n\nBombs can be crafted using the Adventure's Crafting Bench at your Cornerstone or in a Club World.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_05_Name] => Complete 3-Star Dungeons
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_05_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 5/8: Now break their walls and defeat your enemies! Complete 3-Star Dungeons in any world, Trovian. The light of Elysia must be able to shine through the darkness.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_06_Name] => Mine Infinium
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_06_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 6/8: Infinium is precious to the Sun Goddess. I grow stronger in its glow. Please mine Infinium Ore to strengthen my defenses and bring the light of Elysia.\n\nInfinium Ore is most commonly found in Uber Worlds such as the Fae Wilds and Candoria.
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_07_Name] => Destroy Blocks!
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_07_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 7/8: Those bombs you made earlier are also just fun to throw around. Destroying the older parts of a biome can help bring a renewal to the world. Plus you've earned a little fun.\n\nBlow stuff up in any biome! Bombs are good for this but so are Big Bombs. Have fun!
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_08_Name] => Defeat Enemies
[$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_sunshadow3_08_Description] => Awakening the Dawn 8/8: The Suntouched Shimmerwing is nearly ready to emerge, but the darker denizens of Trove have sensed her growing power and could soon find her hiding place. You must drive them back or she will never be safe. Prepare yourself for the greater challenges that lie beyond this world, Trovian.

[$Claims_ss3] => Enjoy some extra rewards during the Awakening the Dawn event.

[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_01] => Beautiful bulbs that shine like the sun.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_02] => Thread spun from golden petals.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_03] => Beetle beetle, burning bright.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_04] => KABOOM! Here's something else to help you while you smash some dungeons.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_05] => The darkness is beginning to wane.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_06] => So shiny!
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_07] => The metamorphosis is nearly complete.
[$Claims_Event_sunshadow3_08] => The Suntouched Shimmerwing has emerged in all her glory!


[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_warhorse_summerkami_name] => Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture
[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_warhorse_summerkami_description] => The current Blocky Bonus is the graceful Sabaddar, Summer's Rapture. We appreciate you playing Trove!
[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_horse_lasercorn_name] => Prismatic Lasercorn
[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_horse_lasercorn_description] => The current Blocky Bonus is the rainbow-riffic Prismatic Lasercorn. We appreciate you playing Trove!
[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_carpet_music_name] => Musical Mat
[$StoreProduct_deal_mount_carpet_music_description] => The current Blocky Bonus is the melodious and mefloatious Musical Mat. We appreciate you playing Trove!


[$Forge_Gems] => GEMS

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Some interesting upcoming items in here. Can't wait for Halloween!