To celebrate the Megalithic Update arriving, we are hosting a mod contest for the month of July. Submit your Dino Tamer or Dino NPC Mods for a chance at some Trove goodies.


  • Create some Megalithic related mods on Trovesaurus and add to the Megalithic Mod Pack
  • Please make sure to add at least 2 images to the mod, as we won't have time to install them all

Mods are created on the Trovesaurus Mods section, and to add a mod to the pack, visit that mod page.


  • Saturday, July 1, 2017 to Tuesday, August 1, 2017


This contest will last for 4 weeks, so the reward base is 4.

  • 4 first place winners will receive 3x Reward Tokens
  • 8 second place winners will receive 2x Reward Tokens
  • 16 entries chosen at random will receive 1x Reward Tokens

Reward Tokens are spent in the Trovesaurus Rewards section for things like packs, dragons and mounts.

We are currently working on re-stocking our reward section to cater for consoles, we are aiming to have new rewards for you to choose before this contest ends.

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