While Llamafest continues, it is time for the results of the first contest week. Participants were tasked to create a Llama themed cornerstone.

Rewards (Amounts and Distribution)

  • Winner numbers have been adapted based on participation. 
  • Please contact Digiwolf ingame or on the discord to receive the Talisman.
  • Winners of the Llama code have been messaged with intructions by Etaew.

Majors Winners

As chosen by Evilagician these winners receive a Llama Talisman + Llama Code of choice.

  • Ixion for making a llama sticking out of a cannon (link).
  • Kvoor for making a creepy house out of Scary Mary's head (link).
  • Equinoxide for inventing a spotty llama (link).

Minors Winners

As chosen by Evilagician these winners receive a Llama Talisman.

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what is there names on discord (name #0000)

They are on the Trovesaurus discord. Due to recent discord wide things, they might have disabled requests from people outside of their servers, so your best chance would be to check the Trovesaurus discord. Don't worry, we dont bite.

[Deleted User]

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I finally win something from Trovesaurus in my dozens of participation XD

Thank you, Trovesaurus