Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments.


Trove Livestream Notes 27/01/2017

Welcome to the latest live stream notes thread!

Apologies for the one day delay in the notes, but it was my birthday yesterday

Today's stream was hosted by Dopesheet, Morticus and Junebug while the others were at PAX.

Weekly contest for submitting ideas for the green screen that the devs have each stream was mentioned as a great idea.

Junebug will be gathering costume submissions via a forum thread. Emphasis to the classes that don't have as many costumes but all submissions are considered.

Stability patch due for PS4, by 31/1/17 with the Xboxone to follow after but no date as of yet.
Plan to be a few months of patches before the consoles will match up to the PC

Brazilian community news:
Translation is now all done and rewards will be handed out soon
Mounts and allies shown via stream which the devs have stated most will come via chaos chests.

Mounts shown off:
Flying Fish                              Rolling Salvo
Toxic Waste Barrel                  No Quarter Backer
Dance Orb                             Takeout Takoyaki
Wheelchair                             Oversized Okonomiyaki
UFO Gunship                          Bon Bomba

Listed but not shown off:
Cerulean Squad Quad              Cinnabar Squad Quad
Taiyaki                                    Bitty Bayou Biter
Landscaper 8000T                   Rocket Ship
Scout Saucer

Second batch of Streamer Dream Allies shown:
Buzzy Beefriend                 Overrated Tortoise
Swingin Sinata                   Hazeface Carapace
Sky-High Pancake Stack      T.bat
Soul Samurai                     Nilfa
Troublesome Twosome

Listed but not shown off:
Goldfish                            Fluvial Flipper
Tweetania                         Nameless Nogg
Silverfang Pup                   Husky Pup
Snowsquall Strigid

Griffons now in game via PTS, collect talismans via air worlds to be able to craft the 4 available griffons. Different crafting method than we are used to in the form of base mount plus resources like shmeeps and centaurs.
These will get an upgrade in the future to similarly match.

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