We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Join the Party Part 2 patch.

CollectionsTop ^

Mag Riders

  • Carnaval Coaster name changed from 'Carnival Coaster' to 'Carnaval Coaster'
  • NEW: Cardboard Coaster - Powered by pure imagination (InProgress)
  • NEW: Rickety Minecart - Rattle and roll all along the rail towers (Starter)
  • Mag Racer desc changed from 'Used to ride on Mag-Rails at high speed. Can be made at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.' to 'Used to ride on Mag-Rails and look flashy doing it. Can be made at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.'



  • NEW: Brownie Boosters - Skim the skies with these cascading cocoa streams (InProgress)
  • NEW: Confetti Jetties - Streak through the skies in style with these dreamy streamers (InProgress)
  • NEW: Tailwind Talisman - A breath of fresh air to bear you aloft with bliss (InProgress)
  • NEW: Lively Launchers - Get the party started with these heart-powered propulsors (Seasonal)

ItemsTop ^

DecoTop ^

  • Daughter of the Moon block - Qubesly block
  • Shadow Boss block - Qubesly block
  • Confetti Blast - Walk or ride over this block for an explosion of fresh confetti. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
  • Flash - Walk or ride over this block for a flash of light. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
  • Flame - Walk or ride over this block for a pyrotechnic display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
  • Water Splash - Walk or ride over this block for a splash of fresh water. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
  • Yellow Firework - Walk or ride over this block for a yellow firework display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.
  • Circadian Cadencer name changed from 'Roboclock Radio' to 'Circadian Cadencer'
  • Flamotron Mk II Trophy -
  • Optics-Enhanced Partition name changed from 'Metal Frame Window' to 'Optics-Enhanced Partition'
  • Tech Table Segment name changed from 'Techie Table Segment' to 'Tech Table Segment'

StylesTop ^






LanguagesTop ^

  [$Event_jointheparty_02_welcomescreen_name] => The Party Continues!     [$Event_jointheparty_02_welcomescreen_description] => New pinata mounts! PS4 and XBox One coming soon!     [$Event_jointheparty_03_welcomescreen_name] => The Peak of the Party!     [$Event_jointheparty_03_welcomescreen_description] => Trove will be live on PS4 and Xbox One very soon!     [$Event_jointheparty_04_welcomescreen_name] => The Peak of the Party!     [$Event_jointheparty_04_welcomescreen_description] => Trove is live on PS4 and Xbox One!  Get unique pinata loot!     [$CollectionName_ParticleBlocks] => Particle Blocks     [$prefabs_collections_magrider_starter_item_name] => Rickety Rider     [$prefabs_collections_magrider_starter_item_description] => Used to ride on Mag-Rails.     [$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_snowy_name] => Frostgale the Fierce     [$prefabs_collections_mount_griffon_snowy_description] => An expert in severe weather rescue, she is undeterred by blizzards or bad terrain     [$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_fly_trove_name] => Hyped-Up Pinata     [$prefabs_collections_mount_pinata_fly_trove_description] => Amped up to eleven, and ready to tear up the skies     [$prefabs_collections_wings_confetti_trove_item_name] => Lively Launchers     [$prefabs_collections_wings_confetti_trove_item_description] => Get the party started with these heart-powered propulsors     [$prefabs_equipment_helm_pinata_trove_item_name] => Celebratory Pin Head     [$prefabs_equipment_helm_pinata_trove_item_description] => Bring out your best to bring out the best in others     [$prefabs_item_lootbox_holiday_thanksgiving2016_item_name] => Turkey Stuffin' Box     [$prefabs_item_lootbox_holiday_thanksgiving2016_item_description] => What a Dream Gobbler ate for lunch! Rarely drops the Trotting Turkey mount, or (very rarely) the Wings of Unexpected Ascension.     [$prefabs_item_mount_caterpillar_presentscolors_item_name] => Colorful Gift Carousel     [$prefabs_item_mount_caterpillar_presentscolors_item_description] => A train of gifts, hustling to find their rightful owner     [$prefabs_item_mount_caterpillar_presentsrg_item_name] => Plethora o' Presents     [$prefabs_item_mount_caterpillar_presentsrg_item_description] => A veritable bounty of presents, for one very lucky soul     [$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_fly_trove_item_name] => Hyped-Up Pinata     [$prefabs_item_mount_pinata_fly_trove_item_description] => Amped up to eleven, and ready to tear up the skies     [$prefabs_item_mount_warhorse_bullnanddifer_item_name] => Mount: Benevolent Bovine     [$prefabs_item_mount_warhorse_bullnanddifer_item_description] => This good-natured bull won't try to buck you off     [$prefabs_item_mount_griffon_snowy_name] => Mount: Frostgale the Fierce     [$prefabs_item_mount_griffon_snowy_description] => An expert in severe weather rescue, she is undeterred by blizzards or bad terrain     [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_phoenixwitch_name] => Mount: Hexflame Harrier     [$prefabs_item_mount_raptor_phoenixwitch_description] => A sorcerous steed, much sought-after by mages of all stripes     [$prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_yeti_item_name] => Costume: Snowy Savage     [$prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_yeti_item_description] => Barbarian Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_krampus_item_name] => Costume: Frigid Fiend     [$prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_krampus_item_description] => Barbarian Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_dracolyte_plumfairy_item_name] => Costume: Plum Powerhouse     [$prefabs_item_skin_dracolyte_plumfairy_item_description] => Dracolyte Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_pirate_ratking_item_name] => Costume: Rat Royale     [$prefabs_item_skin_pirate_ratking_item_description] => Pirate Captain Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_shadowhunter_nutcracker_item_name] => Costume: Nut Cracker     [$prefabs_item_skin_shadowhunter_nutcracker_item_description] => Shadow Hunter Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_tombraiser_snowman_item_name] => Costume: Winter Waker     [$prefabs_item_skin_tombraiser_snowman_item_description] => Tomb Raiser Costume     [$prefabs_item_skin_spirittank_elf_name] => Costume: Workshop Watcher     [$prefabs_item_skin_spirittank_elf_description] => Revenant Costume     [$prefabs_item_unlocker_dragon_notrade_item_name] => Golden Dragon Effigy     [$prefabs_item_unlocker_dragon_notrade_item_description] => Unlocks a random legendary egg dragon you don't already have unlocked.     [$prefabs_item_wings_confetti_trove] => Wings: Lively Launchers     [$prefabs_loot_Face_0_0_name] => Ripped Wrap     [$prefabs_loot_Face_0_0_desc] => One of rare occasions when damaged gear proves beneficial     [$prefabs_loot_Hat_0_0_name] => Checked Off     [$prefabs_loot_Hat_0_0_desc] => One less thing on your bucket list     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_ring_target_item_description] => Racing minigame ring     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_ring_target_goal_item_name] => Goal Ring     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_ring_target_goal_item_description] => Racing minigame goal Ring     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_small_item_name] => Small Coin     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_small_item_description] => Collection minigame small coin     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_large_item_name] => Large Coin     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_pickup_coin_large_item_description] => Collection minigame large coin     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_powerup_time_item_name] => Time Powerup     [$prefabs_placeable_block_gameplay_powerup_time_item_description] => Racing minigame time powerup     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_confetti_01_item_name] => Confetti Blast     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_confetti_01_item_description] => Walk or ride over this block for an explosion of fresh confetti. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_firework_01_item_name] => Yellow Firework     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_firework_01_item_description] => Walk or ride over this block for a yellow firework display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_flash_01_item_name] => Flash     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_flash_01_item_description] => Walk or ride over this block for a flash of light. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_pyrotech_01_item_name] => Flame     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_pyrotech_01_item_description] => Walk or ride over this block for a pyrotechnic display. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_splash_water_01_item_name] => Water Splash     [$prefabs_placeable_block_particles_splash_water_01_item_description] => Walk or ride over this block for a splash of fresh water. Music blocks placed below this block will still work.     [$prefabs_placeable_deco_trophy_golem_flamer_item_name] => Flamotron Mk II Trophy     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_item_name] => Coin Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_item_description] => Place and use this portal to enter a collection minigame based on the area it is placed in. It can take up to 10 minutes for an area to save.     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_item_name] => Racing Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_item_description] => Place and use this portal to enter a racing minigame based on the area it is placed in. It can take up to 10 minutes for an area to save.     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_interactive_sign_title] => Coin Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_transfer_interactive_sign_title] => Coin Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_interactive_sign_title] => Racing Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_transfer_interactive_sign_title] => Racing Challenge Portal     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_interactive_sign_content] => Press [HK:Loot] to enter a coin collection challenge!     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_pickup_transfer_interactive_sign_content] => Press [HK:Loot] to enter a coin collection challenge!     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_interactive_sign_content] => Press [HK:Loot] to enter a racing challenge!     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_minigame_race_transfer_interactive_sign_content] => Press [HK:Loot] to enter a racing challenge!     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_tutorial_title] => Tutorial Island Three     [$prefabs_placeable_portal_tutorial_content] => Press [HK:Loot] to teleport to the next island in the tutorial.     [$tutorial_shadow_boss_name] => Saprost the Soul Hunter     [$tutorial_shadow_minion_name] => Minion of Shadow     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_cornerstone_item_name] => Cornerstone     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_cornerstone_item_description] => A cornerstone spawns near this location     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_mount_item_name] => Minigame Movement (Mount)     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_mount_item_description] => Placing this in a minigame map allows mounts to be used     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_cart_item_name] => Minigame Movement (Mag Rider)     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_cart_item_description] => Placing this in a minigame map allows mag riders to be used     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_wings_item_name] => Minigame Movement (Wings)     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_wings_item_description] => Placing this in a minigame map allows wings to be used     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_boat_item_name] => Minigame Movement (Boat)     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_rule_boat_item_description] => Placing this in a minigame map allows boats to be used     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_spawn_item_name] => Minigame Spawn     [$prefabs_prefabs_gm_tag_minigame_spawn_item_description] => Minigame players spawn here.     [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_yeti_skinset_name] => Snowy Savage     [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_yeti_skinset_description] => The fluffy exterior hides the heart of a beast     [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_krampus_skinset_name] => Frigid Fiend     [$prefabs_skins_candybarbarian_krampus_skinset_description] => Embodies the old adage 'No rest for the wicked'     [$prefabs_skins_dracolyte_plumfairy_skinset_name] => Plum Powerhouse     [$prefabs_skins_dracolyte_plumfairy_skinset_description] => Channels the power of a legendary Candorian ruler     [$prefabs_skins_pirate_ratking_skinset_name] => Rat Royale     [$prefabs_skins_pirate_ratking_skinset_description] => In ages past, the Rat Dynasty held sway over vast swaths of Candoria     [$prefabs_skins_shadowhunter_nutcracker_skinset_name] => Nut Cracker     [$prefabs_skins_shadowhunter_nutcracker_skinset_description] => Fashioned after the warrior who ousted the Rat Dynasty from Candorian lands     [$prefabs_skins_spirittank_elf_skinset_description] => Watches over a top-secret facility with an extremely time-sensitive schedule     [$prefabs_skins_spirittank_elf_skinset_name] => Workshop Watcher     [$prefabs_skins_tombraiser_snowman_skinset_description] => Summon up a squadron of smiley snowmen to smother your foes     [$prefabs_skins_tombraiser_snowman_skinset_name] => Winter Waker     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight2_Name] => Your First Fight     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight2_Description] => Follow the island to the South and rescue Qubesly. Use [HK:BasicAbility] to attack your foes.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight3_Name] => Your Next Fight     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight3_Description] => Follow the island to the North to reach the portal. Use [HK:BasicAbility] or [HK:PrimaryAbility] to attack your foes.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight4_Name] => Portal Fight     [$Quest_GoldenThread_YourFirstFight4_Description] => Follow the island to the East to reach the portal. Use [HK:BasicAbility] or [HK:PrimaryAbility] to attack your foes and access the portal.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_BossFight_Name] => Face Todstrom     [$Quest_GoldenThread_BossFight_Description] => Use [HK:BasicAbility] and [HK:PrimaryAbility] to defeat Todstrom!     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Arena_Name] => Reach the Arena     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Arena_Description] => Use the mag rider cart to reach the arena.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Jump_Name] => Jump!     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Jump_Description] => Press [HK:Jump] to jump. Tap it twice to double jump.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootEquipmentNew_Name] => Loot Equipment     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootEquipmentNew_Description] => Press and hold [HK:Loot] to loot all nearby equipment.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootEquipmentNew2_Name] => Loot More Equipment     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootEquipmentNew2_Description] => Press and hold [HK:Loot] to loot all nearby equipment.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_EquipYourLoot2_Name] => Equip More Loot     [$Quest_GoldenThread_EquipYourLoot2_Description] => Open your inventory by pressing [HK:Inventory] then [HK:InventoryTransferItem] to equip.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UsePortal_Name] => Activate Portal     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UsePortal_Description] => Approach the portal and press [HK:Loot] to pursue Todstrom.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UsePortal2_Name] => Activate Portal     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UsePortal2_Description] => Approach the portal and press [HK:Loot] to pursue Todstrom to the final island.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootSomeBlocks2_Name] => Loot Three Blocks     [$Quest_GoldenThread_LootSomeBlocks2_Description] => Press [HK:SwitchInputMode] to change between Adventure and Build Mode. Use [HK:BuildModeDestroy] in Build Mode to destroy three blocks.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_PlaceBlocks2_Name] => Place Three Blocks     [$Quest_GoldenThread_PlaceBlocks2_Description] => Place three blocks in Build Mode by pressing [HK:BuildModePlace].     [$Quest_GoldenThread_MoveYourCornerstone2_Name] => Move Your Cornerstone     [$Quest_GoldenThread_MoveYourCornerstone2_Description] => Move your cornerstone to the other plot near the portal.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Rails_Name] => Rails     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Rails_Description] => Find Qubesly near the Mag Rider rails.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_MagRidah_Name] => Mag Rider     [$Quest_GoldenThread_MagRidah_Description] => Press [HK:EquipCart] to use your mag rider then approach the rails.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_HarvestOre2_Name] => Harvest Five Ore     [$Quest_GoldenThread_HarvestOre2_Description] => Look for nodes of purple Shapestone ore in the cave. Press [HK:SwitchInputMode] to enter Build Mode then hold [HK:BuildModeDestroy] to mine five blocks.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_CraftAForge_Name] => Craft a Forge     [$Quest_GoldenThread_CraftAForge_Description] => The Forge can be crafted at the Crafting Bench found in your Cornerstone.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_PlaceForge_Name] => Place Forge     [$Quest_GoldenThread_PlaceForge_Description] => Change modes by pressing [HK:SwitchInputMode]. Select the Forge on your hotbar then [HK:BuildModePlace] to place.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UseForge_Name] => Use Forge     [$Quest_GoldenThread_UseForge_Description] => Put a piece of equipment in the Forge and upgrade its power.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_01_Name] => Mine Infinium     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_01_Description] => Turkeytopia 1/6: We're going to make a great meal.  Start with the tubers!     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_02_Name] => Defeat Enemies     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_02_Description] => Turkeytopia 2/6: Let's get the meat.  Defeat enemies and take their choice bits.  Your guests won't notice what kind of meat it is.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_03_Name] => Forge Items     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_03_Description] => Turkeytopia 3/6: Let's get the forge warm and start cooking on it.      [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_04_Name] => Defeat Enemies     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_04_Description] => Turkeytopia 4/6: Oh no - most of the meat burned!  Go get more! Defeat more enemies. We'll set a timer this time.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_05_Name] => Complete PVP Matches     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_05_Description] => Turkeytopia 5/6: Now we sit down with our loved ones and brawl it out.     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_06_Name] => Complete Dungeons     [$Quest_GoldenThread_Event_Turkeytopia2016_06_Description] => Turkeytopia 6/6: Now we're stuffed with a great meal.  Time to work it off with 3-Star Dungeons.  Good job!     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_name] => Winter Pinata     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_description] => Throw this down and smash it open to get loot for yourself and 7 random nearby people. Always contains ore, glim, or flux and very rarely contains a Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg.     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_5pack_name] => 5 Winter Pinatas     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_5pack_description] => Bigger party.     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_50pack_name] => 50 Winter Pinatas     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_50pack_description] => Mega party, lower prices.     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_100pack_name] => Ultimate Party     [$StoreProduct_item_pinata_winter_100pack_description] => Biggest party, lowest prices. 100 Winter Pinatas and a Club Megaphone which will invite everyone playing the game to your party.     [$StoreProduct_wings_thanksgiving2015_name] => Turkeytopia Wings     [$StoreProduct_wings_thanksgiving2015_description] => Thank you for supporting Trove! Here's some wings just for you.     [$StoreProduct_wings_thanksgiving2015_informational_description] => Purchase any Pack and earn your wings!\n\n Only available during Turkeytopia.     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_xp_750_name] => Patron Weekly Deal     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_xp_750_description] => Any character can level faster with this combo of XP and the all-buffing Patron!\n\nContains a Minor Experience Coin (enough to boost one character to level 10), and three 3-day Patron Passes.     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_dragon_7500_name] => Dragon Weekly Deal     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_dragon_7500_description] => Dragons fly, shoot, give stats, and look fantastic.  Make progress on yours with this time-limited deal!\n\nContains 15 Greater Dragon Cach     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_powerrank_3000_name] => Gem Weekly Deal     [$StoreProduct_deal_weekly_powerrank_3000_description] => Gems sparkle with inner power that gives stats and Power Rank.\n\nContains 20 Gem Booster Boxes, 8 Empowered Gem Boxes, and 50 Dragonite.     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly1] => Jumping is an excellent way to reach high places in Trove.     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly2] => You can also jump repeatedly based on your jump stat.     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly3] => Press the [HK:Jump] key once and then quickly again while in the air to double jump!     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly4] => You made it! Good job!     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly5] => Help! Someone help!     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly6] => Trovian, defeat these minions of Todstrom!     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly7] => Oh no, that's Todstrom!     [$tutorial_string_island1_qubesly8] => You need to get out of here, and fast! He seems to be after something else right now, but I'm sure he'll be back for you soon enough!     [$tutorial_string_island1_shadow1] => You'll never stop the Master, Trovian!     [$tutorial_string_island1_shadow2] => You will never defeat Todstrom!     [$tutorial_string_island1_boss0] => Ooh, pretty life-light! And so bright! Todstrom brings to Mistress.     [$tutorial_string_island1_boss1] => But first Mistress's prize. Todstrom comes back for pretty life-light after...     [$tutorial_string_island1_boss2] => You, grab pretty one, don't let it escape!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly1] => You met Todstrom?! That's one of the baddest Shadows around!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly2] => If you're going to try and stop them, you will need your rebuilding skills right away.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly3] => Let's get started! Go find a Cornerstone sign and claim it with the [HK:Loot] key.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly4] => Trovian! Over here! Come claim this Cornerstone!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly5] => You can claim this empty plot by pressing [HK:Loot] while looking at the sign.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly6] => Ore is used to make lots of useful things in Trove. Look for the purple blocks.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly6_1] => Use [HK:BuildModeDestroy] to mine them!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly7] => Trovian! Over here! Here's some ore!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly7_1] => Use [HK:BuildModeDestroy] in Build Mode to destroy blocks.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly8] => Trovian! Over here! Come claim this Cornerstone!     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly9] => Move your Cornerstone here by pressing [HK:Loot] while looking at the sign.     [$tutorial_string_island2_qubesly10] => You're doing a great job, Trovian. Todstrom is not too far now.     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly1] => Todstrom is close! You are truly a heroic Trovian!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly2] => The fastest way to move around in Trove is with your trusty mount.     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly3] => Try it out and call your trusty steed!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly4] => Ride your mount to the mag rider rail and victory!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly5] => Isn't it fun using a mount to get around? You're going to love what's next!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly6] => I can't wait for you to see some examples of the really exciting things you can build in Trove!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly7] => To see these amazing sights, you will need to use [HK:EquipCart] near the rail.     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly8] => Trovian, that's Todstrom!     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly9] => Well done, Trovian! It's time to travel to the Hub World.     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly10] => Press and hold [HK:Homeworld] for several seconds to travel to the Hub World.     [$tutorial_string_island3_qubesly11] => Good luck!     [$tutorial_string_island3_boss0] => Birdie in cage, Mistress. Toadie also find pretty life-light, will bring to you. You like?     [$tutorial_string_island3_boss1] => My mistress want to meet you, shiny one. No struggle, only hurt more!     [$tutorial_string_island3_boss2] => zzz     [$tutorial_string_island3_boss3] => We not finished, shiny one!     [$tutorial_string_island3_dom1] => Report, Todstrom. Have you found her?     [$tutorial_string_island3_dom2] => Interesting. I must return to the Shadow Tower to proceed with our preparations.     [$tutorial_string_island3_dom3] => But yes, Toadie dear, bring that one to me. It will serve our purpose.     [$prefabs_portal_island3_interactive_sign_title] => Next Island     [$prefabs_portal_island3_interactive_sign_content] => Use this portal with the [HK:Loot] key to pursue Todstrom     [$ThirdParty_Header] => THIRD PARTY LICENSES     [$ThirdParty_Description] => Trove uses the following libraries     [$License_ThirdParty] => ThirdParty_License.txt     [$DigitGroupDelimiter] => ,     [$Channel_Global] => Global     [$Channel_World] => World     [$Channel_PVP] => Arena Team Chat     [$Channel_Say] => Say     [$Store_Sale] => SALE     [$Settings_Multithreaded] => Enable Multithreading     [$Settings_ViewThirdPartyLicenses] => View Third Party Licenses     [$Settings_Header_Legal] => LEGAL     [$Settings_ViewEula_View] => VIEW     [$ChallengeCollectDescription] => Collect coins and earn rewards!\nParticipate in this challenge by taking the temporary portal found in the Hub.     [$TerraformZonePermissions] => You don't have permission to terraform over this zone.     [$Inventory_Mode_Currency] => Currency     [$Tutorial_tip_7] => Hold CONTROL to rotate objects in Build mode     [$Mode_Currency] => currency     [$Minigame_Header] => SCORECARD     [$Minigame_Rank] => Rank     [$Minigame_Name] => Name     [$Minigame_Score] => Score     [$Minigame_Time] => Time     [$Minigame_Level] => Level {0}     [$Minigame_Level_Earned] => Level {0} Earned!     [$Minigame_No_Level_Earned] => No rewards earned.     [$Minigame_Reward_Requirement_Points] => Score: {0}+     [$Minigame_Reward_Requirement_Time] => Time: {0}-     [$ClubZone_AccountPermissions_Terraform] => Terraform
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how do i join the party


Warum ist alles auf Englisch obwohl Deutsch eingestellt ist ...sehr sinnfrei



Eine Tonne mit Müll.....Server sind immer am Laggen und die machen weiter Dragons.....

So much party event stuff o3o