A time of the year when Pride beckons love for everyone.

Information about this contest will be revealed when it starts.

Splendid Summer

Event Image

6 months ago

Event Status: Ended 6 months ago

Additional Information

진행 중 25

눈부신 여름[Splendid Summer] (2024)


모래성 가드의 검
[Sandcastle Guard's Sword]

Melee Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 가드의 창
[Sandcastle Guard's Spear]

Spear Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 가드의 활
[Sandcastle Guard's Bow]

Bow Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 가드의 지팡이
[Sandcastle Guard's Staff]

Staff Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 가드의 주먹
[Sandcastle Guard's Fists]

Fist Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 왕의 권총
[Sandcastle King's Pistol]

Pistol Weapon 1

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 2 Valor Coin

모래성 왕의 왕관
[Sandcastle King's Crown]

Hat 10

Available when all other Sandcastle Guard styles are unlocked.


꼬마 그릴
[Lil' Grill]

Pets 20

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 20 Valor Coin

자부심 가득한 상어
[Prideful Shark]

Pets 20

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 30 Valor Coin

멋진 갑각류
[Cool Crustacean]

Mounts 50

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 50 Valor Coin

Boomeranger Skin

해변에 묻힌 부머레인저
[Beach Buried Boomeranger]

Skins 70

Valor Grand Marshal Qubesly for 30 Valor Coin

해변에 묻힌 부머레인저의 활
[Beach Buried Boomeranger's Bow]

Bow Weapon 1

When Beach Buried Boomeranger is unlocked.

해변에 묻힌 부머레인저의 삽
[Beach Buried Boomeranger's Shovel]

Melee Weapon 1

When Beach Buried Boomeranger is unlocked.

눈부신 여름[Splendid Summer] (2023)

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