The Pink Flamingo Helmet

[Helmet] [Animal Head]

5 years ago

by AirRider Home Files Download ZIP




Created 5 years ago

Updated 5 years ago

Rewarded 5 years ago
This creation has been Accepted by the Trove Developers, it will be added to the game.

The author of this Creation has been Rewarded by the Trove Developers.
Added 5 years ago
This Creation has been added to the game!

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Added

Ylva 5 years ago

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Rewarded

entity 5 years ago

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Accepted

Meowser 5 years ago

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Approved

Ylva 5 years ago

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Needs Review

AirRider 5 years ago

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Active

Ylva 5 years ago


The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Needs Review

AirRider 5 years ago

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The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Added

Congratulations! Your creation has been added to Trove - Pretty in Pink!

It can be found in collections under Styles > Hats > Stash Exclusive.

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Rewarded

The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Accepted

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The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Approved

Marvelous! It turned out really well, i like your shading much more than my attempt :D

For the blueprints, you do not need to include _a, _s and _t, when you convert qb + maps to blueprint that blueprint packs all of those together, so you only need to upload mainmodel.blueprint, or as in this case equipment_helm_full_flamingo[AirRider].blueprint :) (its renamed already, dont worry)


The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Needs Review

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The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Active

Hello again!

I love the idea of flamingo helmet so much, they are so beautiful and majestic :D

You did a good job, but i think there is some room for improvement. First of, flamingo are known for their color and huge beaks, so it might be good to give those bits more love :)

Provided template works as helmet, not as head. Player heads are 10x10x10 so this layer of pink can already be a visible part of helmet.

That gives us a voxel of beak length already, and then one or two more in the front of the nose should still fit.

Next, colors. Bright screaming colors could be good for Trove indeed, but may be it would be worth it to move a bit away from neon-pinks and use warmer shades. Also, rough shading worked nicely for a duck, but flamingos have less glare on their feathers so i believe some softer coloring + patterns should work better.

Also, bigger and lower-placed eyes could help to create more visual difference from duck design :P

Tried to apply those suggestions myself and came up with this model, hope it helps :)

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The Pink Flamingo Helmet status has been set to Needs Review