Core-Powered Neonblade

[Melee] [Neon City]

4 years ago

by zXynox Home Files Download ZIP

This is my first creation

"Core-Powered Neonblade" is my first model for Trove. I've spent hours in making this.

The name is based on the cores in the middle of the blade and at the handle.

Version 2: Bugging link

Version 3: Added new colors, fixed material maps & centered blade

Version 4: Added glowing material

Version 5: Changed the shape of the point at the blade

Version 6: Some fixes




Created 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Draft Creation

This Creation does not take up a Creation Slot, set it as Active if you have a free slot and wish to work on it again.


Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Draft

zXynox 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

zXynox 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

zXynox 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago


Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

zXynox 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Ylva 4 years ago

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

zXynox 4 years ago

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Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Draft


Right, sorry, im not sure why this reply didnt generate a notification for me.

On your images everything does look correct indeed. For Alpha map, try coloring everything thats not a Glowing Glass into 255, 255, 255 White on Type and exporting again.

I double and triple checked, latest Troxel link opens me a model with half mapping. Blueprint that you ve uploaded also has only half of mapping and no glass when i preview it in game.

Could you please export those QB files again and convert them to new blueprint and upload those anew? At some point something somewhere went wrong  :\


Hello again,

I'm really sure I've made no mistakes. I'm using MagicaVoxel for making my models. For example, my spectacular map absolutly don't looks like in your pictures. Same for alpha and type. (I've put some pictures of them in this reply)

The .qb file looks exactly how it is on my files.

Also the glass: My alpha map was right, I checked the guide for mapping like 20 minutes and when I change it, Troxel throws errors for "using alpha map on solid voxels", but they are "Glowing glass" in the files I've uploaded.

Alpha file (MagicaVoxel)

Alpha file (MagicaVoxel) 

Spectacular map file (MagicaVoxel)

Spectacular map file (MagicaVoxel) 

Type map

Type map

Troxel error message when I change alpha map

Troxel error message when I change alpha map

The outlines from the check (where the errors are)

The outlines from the check (where the errors are)

I'm sorry if the pictures don't show up, I usually don't use pictures in my messages :/


Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Im not quite sure what is going on with your material maps. Last Troxel link and uploaded blueprint contain following (right side on top, left side on bottom):

Does that look correct? Im pretty sure it should at least contain metal and glowing on both sides, and that nice glass also seems to be gone. Please double check files before changing status to Review.

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

New blade shape looks great, but you have glowing and iridescent on same voxels again, ray, voxel on the blade bottom and in the pommel, please fix those.

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active

Hello again :)

Great job on the changes! Really enjoying the new colors.

I tried on the sword in game, and i think there are some more things could be done to make it even better. 

Pointy end of the blade currently has a very diagonal staircase-looking edge. Its usually best to avoid this kind of shape because it looks rather messy and doesnt really read as 'sharp'. 

The coil from where the ray of energy seems to originate (red circle) blends in and doesnt look as meaningful/bright as voxels on the pommel. I believe it would be worth it to try and make it Glowing instead of Glowing Glass Mixed with glass.

Same for the Orange glass voxel in black 3x3 frame on the bottom, it is a super nice detail but it loses quite some charm because of how pale it looks in game.

I made a quick edit on your model to show what i mean, more or less. Im sure you can do better :)

Please dont think im picky, im just trying to make sure that creations are in their best possible shape by the time they reach Devs. With swords its extra hard, considering how many there are already in game all the new swords have to of exceptional quality and extraordinary looks.

When you are done with finishing touches, please upload the .blueprint of your sword to this post (button Files, next to Home, Edit and Images on top) and set it to Review again.

Blueprints of styles should be named styletype_stylename[CreatorsName].blueprint, which in your case would be sword_core_powered_neonblade[zXynox].blueprint .


After your feedback I have now changed the colors, solved the bug with the mapping and placed the blade in the middle of the handle.

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Active


The sword is looking great! Im seriously loving the way you ve made that ray of energy inside of the blade :) Very good job on shading too.

However, there are over 900 swords in game, and quite a lot of them are Neon-themed, and so it can be really hard to get a Neon sword accepted. I think yours could really pop up if it used Luminopolis colors instead of classic Neon blues.

Another thing, your Material maps are a bit off on a Pommel (orange circle on image below). One voxel can not be both Glowing on Type and Iridescent on Specular. If its Glowing on Type, it would have to be Rough (red) on Specular, and other way around, if its Iridescent on Specular, it would have to be White on Type.

Also, at the moment it looks like the sword is not centered. Middle line (green line on image) breaks where the sword blade connected to the handle. I believe it would look more balanced if it was straight.

Going to set a status of this one back to Active for now. If you would rather work on something else instead, you could set status of your creation to Draft. That would keep it in your personal list of Creations, but going to free up a slot for another Active one.

Core-Powered Neonblade status has been set to Needs Review