Geode TopsideBiome
Accessible through Atlas near Geode Sanctuary. This is the only biome that forms the surface or Geode (as of dec 2018). Players can enter this biome starting at Uber-8 (PR 5000, no Light required), then at Uber-9 (PR 10000, 100 light) and finally at Uber-10 (PR 15000, 2125 Light). This is also the only world that exists at Uber-10 difficulty.
Topside has unique 5-star dungeons together with usual 3-star ones and lairs. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain new tier of gear - Crystal, deconstruct it for Forge Fragment. Completing 5-star dungeons additionally rewards with
Crystalline Core and
Lesser Geodian Topside Cache.
The only place to mine Veridium and
Nitro-Glitterine. Mining those ores rarely drops
Sandseasower Dragon Egg Fragment.
Resources and Items found in the biome
Sandseasower Dragon Egg Fragment rarely from mining Veridium and Nitro-Glitterine veins
- [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/bomb] from grass and rocks
Veridium from mining Veridium veins
Nitro-Glitterine from mining Nitro-Glitterine veins
Crystalline Core Silver and Gold rewards for completing 5-star dungeons
Lesser Geodian Topside Cache Bronze rewards for completing 5-star dungeons
- Crystal gear rarely from monsters and dungeons.
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Geode is an alien planet, with red sand and green skies, this does not appear in any other worlds outside of Geode. Topside has three sub-biomes, Cerise Sandsea, Hollow Dunes and Weathered Wasteland. They all share same dungeons, mobs, resources and natural structures, but terrain differs. Geodian world is surrounded by Geodian Edge, bottomless dark pit that kills any player who steps over to it.
There are no cornerstone plots on Geode Topside, but players can access Loot Collector,
Rejuvenation Station and
Personal Chest at Outposts.
Cerise Sandsea
Cerise Sandsea consists of smooth hills and rare flat areas. Spiral mines full of ores are unique to this subbiome.
Weathered Wasteland
Weathered Wasteland is almost perfectly flat land, with numerous craks in the ground revealing glowy insides.
Hollow Dunes
Hollow dunes have small hills on top and wast mines underneath. No other sub-biome has such mines.