Peaceful HillsBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Novice difficulty (Power Rank 0). This biome is as peaceful as lands in Trove can be. No monsters spawn here (aside from Shadow invaders). No dungeons or lairs can be found here either, except for Sunflower lairs. Those lairs only spawn in this biome (at Elite difficulty - power rank 100 and higher) and contain unique resource - [item=item/crafting/bulb_sun]. Harvesting sunlight bulbs can rarely reward player with [item=item/dragon/egg/flora_notrade_fragment_new].
Resources and Items found in the biome
- [item=item/dragon/egg/flora_notrade_fragment_new] rare drop from harvesting Sunlight Bulbs
- [item=item/crafting/bulb_sun] from harvesting Sunlight Bulbs
- [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and bushes
- [item=item/bomb] from grass and bushes
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Peaceful Hills have no distinct sub-biome and the biome doesnt appear in Gem-specific Worlds. This biome is a field with very smooth and small hills, rare trees are small and colorful. Its possible to encounter ravines and shallow caves, but no ores spawn there. Plots for cornerstones are found everywhere. Whole year long players can find Sunlight Bulb lairs filled with sunlight bulbs, during autumn events pumpkin lairs spawn in the biome too.